Update From The Expo (Book Expo America – BEA)

Hey all!  😀

I fully intended to write a post Tuesday morning before I left for BEA.  BELIEVE me I had plenty to say (gosh… do I ever not have something to say?  :razz:)  BUT – here is why you have not heard from me until now:

Fast pass recap:

  1. Sunday evening I met Reagan (Miss Remmers Reviews) in Minneapolis at our hotel for the night.
  2. Ordered pizza at 9:30 pm because we were hungry…. hour and a half later we get what can only be described as “pizza from days gone by”.  Didn’t matter…. HUNGRY!
  3. We talked WAY TOO LONG and were up until almost 1:00 a.m.
  4. We got up at 3:00 a.m. on Monday morning to catch the 4:00 a.m. shuttle for our 5:45 am flight to New York
  5. Uhhh…. can you say tired?  😉
  6. Arrived in New York around 11:10 a.m.
  7. Booked to our hotel and dropped off our luggage by noon
  8. Ran (it’s true… we did) to the Simon Schuster event that started at 11:00 am that we were invited to.  About a mile away.
  9. Sent to the 14th floor… not there… sent to the 4th floor not there… sent to the 11th floor – not there….. could not find the group.  😯
  10. Being tired we decided to start walking our way to the next event – the YA Teen Carnival.  Destination 3 miles.
  11. Stopped half way in to grab a quick-lunch and get out of the rain that suddenly came crashing down….. pouring.  Really.  POURING.
  12. Went back out and continued our walk to the event… struggled finding the right road.
  13. 5 miles later, found it.  We high-fived and danced around the entryway.  (Not really…. but we could have…. and we SHOULD have.  😛
  14. Event is awesome – many YA authors (more on this on a later post) stayed until 6:30 pm.
  15. Took a taxi back to our hotel (I know right?  A TAXI!  :razz:)
  16. Walked to Subway and grabbed subs to eat in our hotel room – we were super SUPER tired.  (Oh.. we were SO tired).
  17. Bed at 10 pm
  18. Alarm set for 5 am…. woo hoo… here we go!!!
  19. 6:15 am left for the Javits Center – BEA here we come!
  20. Get our badges and go check things out….

Ok… this part is fun and full story worthy, so I have broken in to this timeline of awesomeness and need to share.  Reagan and I are leaning up against the tall table at the Javitz.  I was reading the Daily BEA magazine they put out when a lady walks up to us and asks us where to register.  It is then that we realize we are standing in front of the Information table.  We laugh, help the lady and continue to hang out.  Moments later another question.

The sign above us says :BEA info booth

I tell Reagan we should get behind the counter and sit in the chairs (I am a bad influence sometimes…. :razz:)  No one is there and so we do.  Pretty soon we have people steadily coming and asking questions:

Where do I pick up my badge?

Where is the children’s author breakfast?

What time does the main arena open?

Where is the Starbucks?

Can I go to the authors breakfast without my badge?

Where is the Blog World entrance?

Can I get a map?

Where is the line to get in?

The only one we couldn’t answer is “where is the silent auction”, which later we found when we walking around again.  😛

We seriously had a blast and actually helped a lot of people while we sat and it really passed the time as we had an hour and a half to kill.  When the dude who was scheduled to run the booth showed up, we graciously stepped aside, he asked us what people were asking about and we helped him get his start.

Dang…. that was fun.  😛

Ok… back to list…

20.  Hung out at expo from 6:30 – 4…. chatting with authors and publishers, getting books.  Highlight book of the day:  Forever by Maggie Stiefvater.  Yup.  It’s true… in my hot little hand.  😀

21.  Back to hotel room at 4 where within 20 seconds from hitting the door, Reagan and I both have our feet up… ow ow ow ow!!!

22.  I gather my reserve energy get cleaned up and ready to write this post and go out to dinner with some awesome bloggers AND Beth Hoffman, author of Cee Cee Honeycutt.  (post on this event later)

Me and Beth Hoffman (uhhh.... SSSQQQQUUUUEEEEE!!!)O


23.  back to the hotel at 11:30 pm.  Wrote this post and went to bed at 12:14 a.m.  (Alarm set for 5:00 am so we can get in line for Rick Riordin tickets…. and maybe…. maybe run the info booth.  😆

More soon… just wanted you to know where I have been and what I have been doing.  Today was gorgeous in New York!

36 thoughts on “Update From The Expo (Book Expo America – BEA)

  1. Great report of your first days, Sheila!

    I love it that you ran the info booth. I hope you read up on the BEA so you can answer even more questions! 🙂

    Hope you got some decent dinner last night and no more of that awful pizza! Have fun. More fun!

  2. So…apparently I was RIGHT behind you at the YA Carnival, but since you had no name tag, I didn’t know it was you! Fail on my part! Hoping to run into you today or tomorrow!

  3. Wow, awesome! My only comparison is the one BEA I attended in LA three years ago…lots of walking and running and trying to find things.

    But fun! And I learned a lot about how you should have a rolling suitcase for all the STUFF.

    Have fun!

    1. We have talked about the rolling suitcase! It is $3 for them to hold it for you as you can not take it on the floor… but I think so worth it! (Especially if you want to wheel down to the post office and mail back media mail which is so much cheaper!

  4. I would have loved meeitng Beth Hoffman….loved the book “Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt”. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time…can’t wait to hear more!

  5. I am exhausted just reading your post! I love how you became the ladies of info, lol! And how awesome to meet Beth Hoffman..love her! Thanks for posting for those of us who can’t be there. I love to hear about all the fun everyone is having! Have a great time!

  6. Sheila you are too funny! I am glad you are having a blast. Can’t wait to read more of your funny adventure stories. LOL!

  7. oh Sheila, i am surely jealous, not ashamed to say! I haven’t been to BEA in a few years, must go next time. Can’t stand it any more. Stiefvater?!? Man! I want to get my hands on that!
    So I’m posting your Q&A today and hopefully that will lead people to this and your madcap recaps!

  8. Looks and sounds as though you are having a fantastic time. Wish I was there this year but hope to make it next year to take part in all of the FUN!

  9. Sounds like you’re both having a fantastic time and I’m sure you’ll be needing a few days to recouperate and recover when you get home!

    Keep on enjoying yourselves, I’ll be back to read your next post! 🙂

  10. So glad to hear you’re having such a blast! It’s fun to experience BEA vicariously through this post. I love the fact that you worked the info booth till the dude who was scheduled to run it showed up!

    Enjoy BBC tomorrow — I look forward to hearing all about it!

  11. FLIPPIN’ awesome! Sometimes being super tired is so worth it. I actually registered and paid for BBC and BEA back in February, but events conspired to keep me home this year (well, really, one big even was the topper – finding out that even with scholarships and loans, Not-So-Bebe-Girl Autumn will still need $9800 for tuition .. yeah … not such a good idea for me to spend any extra money on a trip) – when I grow old, she’d better put me in a REALLY GOOD senior home. I’m so happy to see you having so much fun!

  12. Your info booth story was the funniest I’ve heard all week. Way to go!! It was so lovely to see you again.


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