Morning Meanderings….. The Good News… and The Bad News

Good morning!  “Wot’s up?”  Couldn’t resist – we had bonus book club night at my home last night and I made Wot, a spicy chicken dish which is popular in Ethiopia.  This was for our review of Cutting For Stone…. which… with a little luck, will be posted yet today 😀

In the mean time….. the good news is, this past week has been weather in the high 30’s to mid 40’s…. for Minnesota this time of year that is practically a heat wave!  In my excitement for spring, I went out last weekend and bought these super cute sandals:


Are they not just awesome?

The bad news is…. this is our current weather forecast:

* Timing and location: a winter storm is affecting the Brainerd
lakes region… Saint Croix River Valley… and an area from
Hayward to Phillips tonight. The storm will produce heavy snow
across these areas… with the heaviest snow expected to fall
overnight until mid morning Wednesday. 

* Snow accumulations: 10 to 14 inches of snow is expected by
late Wednesday afternoon.

* Main impact: heavy snow combined with northeast winds of 15 to
30 mph could cause power outages due to downed trees and power

Precautionary/preparedness actions…

A Winter Storm Warning means heavy snow will occur. Expect
extremely slippery and dangerous snow-covered roads. If you must
travel… exercise extreme caution and allow extra time to reach
your destination. Let someone know your travel Route and expected
arrival time. Have a working cell phone in case you become
stranded. Keep a winter survival kit in your vehicle… including a
flashlight… food… and water.


Don’t worry – I have changed my shoes.  😛  Off to work to see what is happening.  I am going to guess most people are snowed in… I live by a major highway and have four-wheel drive so I am usually ok to get where I need to go.

If you have real spring where you live… please tell me about it.  I need green” stories.  😀

66 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings….. The Good News… and The Bad News

  1. Love the sandals! Bummer about the snow. *sigh*

    As for a spring story … here in Kentucky things are starting to bloom! Yesterday the buds on my flowering crab tree began to pop open! All my daffodils have bloomed, and the tulips will most likely bloom in a week or two.

    Be careful on those icy roads!

  2. Well, we have spring days interspersed with the rainy ones…I guess we could say that rain is springlike behavior, too.

    Can’t complain. Although we, too, have had storm warnings. Our “storms” are rainy ones, usually, with snow up in the mountains about an hour or so away.

    Hope everything works out on your end!

  3. Love the shoes,
    If it makes you feel that you are not alone, here in Southern Ontario we are getting hit with the same system. 15-20 cm of snow, buses cancelled, I think its a great day to curl up and read but of course I had to be out today 😦

  4. I was just going to say that Southern Ontario is getting hit by more of the same but Margaret beat me to it! My daughter woke up this morning on said “Oh no mama, its snowing… you better shovel!”

  5. I can sympathize, at least. Earlier this week (even yesterday), the forecast for this week was 60s and 70s until the weekend, which was back to freezing and a chance of snow (and rain). I’m grumbling now, though, because apparently we won’t experience anything warmer than the 40s for the rest of the week! I know, it’s not a blizzard, but … we’d just noticed the daffodils and tulips (and surprise lilies) peeking through the dirt.

  6. Cute sandals, but you wouldn’t want to wear them in PA today. Lots of snow like you have, only it “may” turn into rain later. Won’t be done until tomorrow morning. Just plain YUCK. March is so mean to us.

  7. I too am pining for the days of cute sandals. Here in central New York I spent last Friday bare legged and jubilant. Today I am sitting at home on a snow day waiting for homemade cinnamon swirl bread to bake watching the snow gently fall. When I see grass again I’ll let you know.

  8. Hmmm…first, cutest shoes. I wish I still wore shoes like that. I don’t, but I love, love, love looking at them. When we moved to Oregon from Texas many years ago, I discovered Nordstrom’s and their shoe section. My goodness. What a head rush! LOL

    OK, back to Texas (we returned from Oregon after living there 3 years) and our spring weather – um, yes, the temps here in Austin are supposed to hit 90 today. A little warm yet, but you just never know how it will be here in the spring. I’ve got blooms on several plants and the bluebonnets are arriving at the roadsides. My favorite time of the year. We haven’t had much rain so I think our wildflower coverage may be sparse, but I’ll love all that I can get. Good luck with your snow, Sheila!! 🙂

  9. Oh dear! I know my family and friends in Michigan are getting the winter weather again. All this while we’re having 70-80 degree weather here in Tennessee. I definitely feel for you all. I’m not being too confident yet though. With the winter we had, we could very well get plunged back in ourselves. You never know!

  10. Cute shoes. I live in Bermuda so even though it is officially Spring it is still COLD to us. 🙂 It felt like I can pack away the boots and bring out the spring shoes but this weekend changed again, sigh

    I could not do snow full time, my goodness. The 4 wheeler sounds exciting.

  11. I feel your pain! I drive to work from White Bear Lake MN to W St Paul, which is only 17 miles. What a trip that was this morning…..slow and snowy! But I made it to my office 🙂 How to worry about getting home as it is still snowing.

  12. Unfortunately we are going to catch the southern edge of that storm here in Chicago. It will be a rain, ice, snow mix and then hopefully back to spring. I already put out my rain barrel and I’m not putting it away again. The daffodils are poking up and the robins are singing so this is just a minor setback! Or so I am telling myself.

  13. Ah the late snows, reason 1,000 why I no longer live in MInnesota. Spring has been here for a while. The crocuses have come and gone, the daffodils are in full bloom with the tulips closely behind them. We cleared out the beds and all the plants and growing rapidly and everything is in full bud. The birds have been very vocal and active and it has been hovering right around 70*.
    I am exceedingly grateful not to see snow again until around Christmas.

  14. I am loving the sandals! And, yuck to more snow. You can just put the sandals somewhere in view to remind you that spring is on it’s way (right?)

  15. Snow? What is this snow? I have to strip off my layers as soon as I leave work these days. My bluebonnets are doing very well, though, and I’m very happy! I don’t think I’d survive where you live 🙂

    Here‘s a picture of my flowers!

  16. Yesterday I could have told you about how the grass is finally peeking through the melting snow, greening up, but overnight the world turned back into a winter wonderland. I’m so over this white stuff. NO MORE! Go away until next sesason!

  17. We have had a couple of rainy days but not the weather seems to have taken a turn for the better. The sun was out today with a high of around 16 we are celsius over here! The birds were out and the bees were out in all of their glory!

    If i could have a summers day without the bees and wasps i would be ecstatic!

  18. Love the shoes. Hate the snow.

    I feel like such a wimp out here in NJ compared to you Minnesotans (?) Minnesota-ites (?) Minnesotians (?).

    I’ll be sure to post a photo of my first flower…I’m sure it’s under this snow somewhere…

  19. Well…here on the East Coast we are only about an hour from beaches so we get a fantastic early Spring…little flowers are popping up in our flower beds and neighbors are popping pansies in pots…

    We put deck furniture on our sun deck and we will do the shade deck this week end. Asparagus is up and running in everyone’s gardens…it is very cool…even Farmer’s Markets are popping up!!!

  20. Been warm and sunny (in the 70s) here the past couple of days — but tomorrow and the next few days — high in the 40s again. I’m itching to get out the sandals too!!

  21. Wow, that it is a lot of snow! Your sandals look fabulous! I went looking for new sandals for my trip to Tucson but couldn’t find anything that was cute and practical (I’m picking that way). I hope the snow stops soon!

    We’ve got spring flowers and cherry blossoms here and I love it! Still not much sun for us though – lots of clouds and rain.

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