It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment telling me how many you visited.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner:

Kristin from Always With A Book

Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

Here is a recap of what went down here this past week:

Snitch by Rene Gutteridge (book review and liking Rene Gutteridge a lot!)

The Postmistress by Sarah Blake (book review and tour!)

Dream When You Are Feeling Blue by Elizabeth Berg (yup…. the Berg movement continues 😀 )

Weekend Cooking:  Chicken Nachos (mmmmmmm!)

Dewey Read A Thon is coming in April!

Minnesota and Surrounding Areas Book Blogger Get Togethers (in the area?  Well check this out!)

My week was busier than I thought and my reading suffered.  I am surprised as I thought I would have a great reading week but this was not the case.  I have a couple audio about to end so I can add whats next here – but other than that…. the books I am posting here are the same I said I would read the last week with one bonus exception:

Sookie Stackhouse is just a small-time cocktail waitress in small-town Louisiana. Until the vampire of her dreams walks into her life — and one of her coworkers checks out. Maybe having a vampire for a boyfriend isn’t such a bright idea. Sookie keeps to herself and doesn’t date much because of her “disability” to read minds. When she meets Bill, Sookie can’t hear a word he’s thinking. He’s the type of guy she’s waited for all of her life, but he has a disability, too–he’s a vampire with a bad reputation. When one of Sookie’s coworkers is killed, she fears she’s next.

Ok… seriously – don’t ask!  I want to try these books… I don’t know why.  I have never seen the HBO series true Blood.  This audio was on the sale pile at s here I go…. don’t even say that I don’t try new things 😀  LOL

Samantha’s husband has left her, and after a spree of overcharging at Tiffany’s, she settles down to reconstruct a life for herself and her eleven-year-old son. Her eccentric mother tries to help by fixing her up with dates, but a more pressing problem is money.

To meet her mortgage payments, Sam decides to take in boarders. The first is an older woman who offers sage advice and sorely needed comfort; the second, a maladjusted student, is not quite so helpful. A new friend, King, an untraditional man, suggests that Samantha get out, get going, get work. But her real work is this: In order to emerge from grief and the past, she has to learn how to make her own happiness. In order to really see people, she has to look within her heart. And in order to know who she is, she has to remember—and reclaim—the person she used to be, long before she became someone else in an effort to save her marriage. Open House is a love story about what can blossom between a man and a woman, and within a woman herself.

Yup – onward with Berg.  😀

This one was on my list last week and I am half way through with review due for discussion Tuesday evening.  This book needs to be my focus over the next couple of days – so far I am really liking it.  Some said it was slow in the beginning but I did not think so at all.  Really interesting!

This one is also from last weeks reading list and will go “live” right after I finish up Cutting For Stone.  😀  Cant wait!

And this one… *sigh* should have already been read but has not.  This is the Wordshaker read and for those of you who are participating this time around I am so sorry I am late on putting out discussion questions etc… I am just behind.  Period.   Trust me, it’s not you, its me… and I hope to bring us all up to speed soon.

That is the weeks plan…. The audio will be started this week and new audio is always exciting to me… I have two that will finish in the next couple days for review and a third that should be pretty close to being done if not this week than for sure early next week – depends on the car time 🙂

I hope you all have awesome books for me to drool over!   😛  Please add your own Monday Where Are You Reading post to the link below and I hope to stop by and see what you are reading!  😀

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101 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Oh, I think Open House was one of my favorite Berg books…that one was an Oprah pick, and there was also a Lifetime movie based on it.

    Hope you enjoy all of your books!

      1. They are fun and funny books that have a very different feel from the TV show. I haven’t seen much of the show, so I’m guessing they stay different. I like Charlaine Harris’s heroines, from the telepathic Sookie to librarian Aurora Teagarden.

  2. I look forward to hearing what you think of Sookie Stackouse. I liked the early books more than the recent ones. I am not a fan of the show however. A bit too graphic for my taste.

    I am eager to hear what you think of The Rooftops of Tehran too. I need to read that one. I also haven’t read any books by Elizabeth Berg yet. Which is your favorite of hers (or one that you think a newbie should start with?)

    1. I think I probably would not like the show either and if the series goes long as I think this one does… I tend to lose interest. 🙂

      Hmmm… for Elizabeth… Dream When You Are Feeling Blue was pretty good and I heard the Open House one I am reading next is a favorite of many. 🙂

  3. I have had Sookie’s 1st one for over a year, I just don’t think I will end up reading it, hope you enjoy. Lots of goodies this week.

    Unsure if I will have time to really participate this week.

  4. Hi Sheila –
    Seems like you had a good week to me.
    I have Open House… I’d read along but have a full week already. That is the only reason I didn’t sign up for the Wordshakers since March was pretty booked.
    I have enjoyed most of the Sookie series – on Audio. The earlier books were better I think.
    I do NOT recommend the show – very graphic and not true to the books.
    Happy reading and listening this week.

  5. I’ve only read the first Sookie stackhouse book. I’m not sure why I haven’t moved onto the others yet. I hope you enjoy it and have a great week.

  6. You know what they say about best laid plans … lol but looks like you had a pretty good week despite how busy your week was. The Sookie books are such fun reads … like potato chips … ‘moreish’ but not very filling 🙂
    Have a wonderful week and happy reading!

  7. Wahoo! I cannot wait to see what you think of Sookie! I adore those books (not so much the TV show, which is way different), but they’re perfect for some plain old good fun reading. Nothing too serious. So I really hope you enjoy it. 🙂

    And now I’m adding Elizabeth Berg to my reading pile thanks to you! Surprisingly, I’ve never read anything by her and I’m intrigued. Thanks!

    Hope you have a fabulous reading week, and hopefully better than this last one! 🙂

    1. I keep hearing that about the TV show…. I think I tried to watch one once and didn’t think it was for me 🙂

      I am going through Berg – some I really like… some are ok…. but I am having a good time with it 🙂

  8. Rooftops of Tehran is a wonderful novel. I want to read Cutting for Stone. I’ve been putting it off and meaning to get to it. You’ve helped me push it up on my TBR pile.

  9. So excited that I won…I’m going to head over to your prize box after commenting here.

    I really enjoyed Elizabeth Berg’s The Last Time I Saw You and am definitely going to be reading more of her!

    Have a great week and thanks again for the book!!!

  10. You’ve got some good ones going on: Elizabeth Berg, Cutting for Stone, and I cant’ wait to see what you think of Rooftops of Tehran!

      1. Yeah, that could be tricky. A couple ideas popped into my head when I read your question, but they’re not exactly the simplest of things … have you ever been to an Ethiopian restaurant?

  11. I really enjoy Sookie – she’s my guilty pleasure. I’m in the middle of Dead To The World, but I read it only when I’m looking for something fun and different in between other books. I recently downloaded Cutting For Stone on my Kindle and hope to get to it this summer. You have some GREAT books there! Enjoy your reading week!

  12. I just discovered your blog and am in love with it! I am also a fan of Elizabeth Berg–her collection of stories (Ordinary Life) took my breath away.

    Thanks for sharing and I can’t wait to read more. =)

  13. You are definitely on an Elizabeth Berg kick! I’m really really scared to get the Sookie Stackhouse books, as they’ve been described as “literary crack”, and I’m afraid that an addiction will render every other book meaningless and dull until I get the entire series once I start! I “almost” bought Cutting for Stone today on my bookstore foray, but decided that I had already gone well past my “just one book” resolution that I made before entering the store! 🙂 Enjoy your reading week!

    1. LOL – my goal is to read all of her works this year. I have never done that with any author (that I know of anyway) 🙂

      LOL – I did not know about the “literary crack” comments about Sookie…. I can not imagine getting addicted tot he books… I just dont have the time or the attention to do a long running series. 🙂

  14. I am finishing “A Tailor Made Bride” which is really good, page turner with humor and a lot of historical detail. I reccommend it.


  15. Sheila, I enjoy the Sookie Stackhouse books. They are a quick fun read. The HBO series is much more intense and very bloody, so…. I like them for different reasons.
    I thought I had missed getting my post up for Word Shakers and let you down. hahaha…nice to know that we are just a little late.

  16. Visited 10 so far, you are going to get reading Elizabeth Berg, I have added them to my wish lists. I also added 2 more pins on my map and will be adding another tomorrow!!

  17. This is my first time participating in It’s Monday What Are You Reading. Thank you for hosting this. I see you are reading quite a few Elizabeth Berg books. I read one of hers last year that I enjoyed. I’ll have to check back to see if you review any of the selections.

  18. I’ve heard lots of people really enjoy the Sookie Stackhouse books – I haven’t tried any myself, so I’ll be interested to hear what you think!

    I thought it sounded a bit optimistic when you said you were going to read Cutting for Stone PLUS other books all in one week! It’s a hefty one. It’s also sitting on my shelf – I can’t wait to read it – need to find time to fit it in!

    Enjoy your books this week.


    1. LOL Yeah Sue, I was nervous about the book because I kept hearing it was slow going at first… I actually really enjoyed the beginning and if anything find this middle area to need a bit of action 😀

  19. I went to 12 blogs today – my eyes are buzzing! Need to go to real pages!!! Sophie Kinsella here i come! 😀

  20. I love the Sookie books. I consider them light horror books – they’re light reads, but when you think about it, the stuff that happens is horrific.

    Charlaine Harris also writes mysteries – did you know? She writes many, many books.

    Happy reading this week!

  21. I got a really late start on this meme this week but managed to visit and comment on 12 or so blogs. Beginning at #1 I worked my way down to 14. When time permits, I’ll have to see more. So many in this meme!!

    I love reading your comments on the books you’ve read. Looks like Elizabeth Berg writes some good novels. I’ll have to look her up.

  22. I have managed to visit and comment on 40 sites (no small feat after spending a good part of the day in hospital). I usually forget to mention the places I visit. Thanks for hosting this meme Sheila. Off to see if I can visit more before sleep comes again.

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