It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner (using Random.Org) was:


Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!

Lots of reading completed this week as I could squeeze it in but really need to catch u on my reviews this week and my goal is to a book review a day.

Here is this week in review

Life Sentences by Laura Lippman (audio review)  Not my favorite Lippman but I have not given up!

Garlic and Sapphires by Ruth Reichl (book review) LOVED this book about a food critic!

Book Blogger LOVE and a Pistachio Thumbprint cookie recipe

I have read none of what I said I would last week, because Tuesday I thought about it and decided it was INSANE to be reading all these other books on the week the theaters release Deathly Hallows .  SO…. I tossed my book list out and instead I have been re-reading The Deathly Hallows.  (Seen the movie Sunday afternoon – review coming up later on Monday!)

This Weeks Reading Plan

I leave for Honduras in 9 days so I am going to try to keep my plan real….


I met author Selene Castrovilla in New York in May and I am so excited to read her book!

Just a few months ago Jesse was junior class president, a star baseball player, the newspaper editor, and the crush of every girl at Midland Prep in Manhattan. Now he is fighting a rare cancer with only a 4 percent survival rate. When Samantha, his best friend and next-door neighbor for the last 15 years, turns her compassion for Jesse into a relationship, the teens fight the unknown with their growing love. Sam’s wavering voice, at times mature beyond her years and other times still needing her mother’s comfort, gives readers insight into both Jesse’s burden of dying and her own story of being the one left behind.


I met author Rhonda Hayes at BEA in New York in May as well, and can’t wait to read this delightful looking read!

Fifth-grader Abbie Adams is a witch in a family of witches. When her father, who is trying to find a cure for Witch Flu, brings home a kitten, she realizes that there is something strange about it. It turns out that the cat is Thomas Edison. Her parents do everything they can to make him comfortable while they try to find the right spells to break the curse and get him safely back to his own era before history is changed forever. Abbie is a likable character, and readers should relate to her. She loves her little brother (even when she has to clean up his magical messes), is nervous about her first school play, and wishes she didn’t have to keep secrets from her non witch friend.


Oh!  You have no idea how excited I was to get this one in my mailbox for review!  Seriously I have been drooling over this when I seen it on other blogs!

A volunteer for a French relief organization, Elsa Murphy, a young nurse, has left her tragic life behind in Boston in the hopes of finding a purpose by providing aid and medical care in Afghanistan. Living without running water and on rationed kerosene, the one comfort from home Elsa allows herself is lipstick, which helps her retain her identity behind the veil she wears. Elsa’s work engenders two relationships that will change her life: a friendship with Parween, a young, strong-willed Afghani widow whose hatred of the Taliban is born out of unimaginable loss, and a romance with Mike, a handsome, brave U.S. soldier with flashing blue eyes. Though the Taliban have largely been driven out by the soldiers, Elsa learns they are still very much a presence.


I think with the Thanksgiving weekend this list is pretty doable…. we do not have a lot going on during the holiday.  College son will be home on Thursday for the day but has to go back to Mankato to work the weekend.  Chance will be staying with us but he is super easy, so I anticipate a weekend of movies and board games… and of course a few books to!  😀


Now for my favorite part…. checking out what you are reading!  Last week I found five books by reading all your posts and four of those five are currently in my home thanks to my library!  Please add your link to your post below where it says “click here”.

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68 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Lipstick sounds awesome. I’m glad to hear you liked the Reichel; I haven’t read this one yet but her first book, TENDER AT THE BONE, is one of my all-time favorites. Happy reading and have a wonderful trip!

  2. Laura Lippman is an author I really want to try next year, I think I may go for her new one.

    Lipstick got my attention also, it sounds really good.

  3. Yay! I’m so excited to see WItchy Worries on your list. It was one of my favorites from the year and I absolutely adore Rhonda, she’s incredible! I hope you love it as well.

    Have a fabulous reading week, a wonderful Thanksgiving and I can’t wait to hear about your upcoming trip! 🙂

  4. The Girl Next Door sounds sad and reminds me of A Walk To Remember. Why are you not doing Harry Potter re reads! We are in full fledged Harry mode!!

    This past week I read “From Gatekeeper to Trusted Advisor” by Andria Corso. Now this is a business book for HR professionals, business leaders, and those who are aspiring to be one of those (like me!). It is one of the few HR books (maybe the only HR book) about the actual practices and behaviors required for HR to be true trusted partners to business leaders. It has a lot of checklist and templates for HR professionals to utilize in their organizations. So if you are interested in being a business leader, you will want to check that out.

    1. Stephen I would love to be in full fledge re-reads of all the Potter books but so any books are waiting on me to be read. I just can’t indulge in that at the moment.

      I am reading The Dark Hallows on the side though…. 😀

  5. The Girl Next Door is one I’d love to read and I’ll be watching out for your review of Lipstick in Afghanistan.

    Hope your Thanksgiving is truly blessed. Have a wonderful week and happy reading 🙂

  6. Reading the summary for Lipstick in Afganistan I have to admit it sounds really good, and I can see why you are excited about reading. Witichy Worries sounds very cute. Hope you enjoy all your reads this week, and also have a lovely Thanksgiving!

  7. The Girl Next Door sounds super intense, and pretty intriguing 🙂
    And The Witchy Worries of Abby Adams looks like it should balance out the intense reads you’ve got there 🙂
    Happy reading, and have a Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

  8. All your books sound so good and I envy your travel plans. I am unveiling a new challenge for 2011 tomorrow and it is because of this meme that I am issuing/hosting this challenge. I hope everyone from this meme signs up. I am very excited about it, if you can tell. lol

  9. Good selection I hope you enjoy! As for me yes I have finally decided to crack the binding on Twilight I have the movies but I have held watching them until I finish the books…After reading the first chapter I’m kicking myself for not reading it sooner…Good stuff!

  10. It looks like you’re reading some interesting books at the moment. I have read a few reviews of Lipstick in Afghanistan and it certainly sounds like it’s a good read. I hope you enjoy it!

    I’ve realised it’s been a few weeks since I last joined in with It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? However, this week I have joined in and I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone else is reading 🙂

    1. That’s good Nikki-ann, glad to have you back. I am glad to see life is crazy for other people too…. I wish I had more time to get around to see everyones post s but seems like life just does not slow down! 😀

  11. ‘The Girl Next Door’ is one book which I would like to have at home and I was a total fool [duh ! whats new ] to pass it off at my bookstore three days ago.
    It sounds like a really simple story but when you think of the tragedy behind losing a loved one to the dreaded 6 letter word, then your living seems like death in its absolute cruelness. What really touched me were the words:

    Jesse’s burden of dying and her own story of being the one left behind

    That somehow made me feel the pain in it all which can only be felt by those who live and yet who have lost a part of themselves in the ones who go away.For it is true is it not that , the dead go away to a better place and the ones who really suffer are the ones the dead left behind. Separation is the real misery in life and the real cancer. I know you will do justice to this one when you read it.

    Enjoy your sons short visit and happy reading !!

  12. Those look like such interesting books. I love the cover of The witchy worries! I have posted on 10 so far but got to get to bed sometime lol!

  13. Thanks for the reviews, Sheila! Right now I’m finishing up a great book by Kris Sedersten called Mojo. It takes the reader on a descriptive scenic tour through a haunted plantation deep in the Louisiana countryside and has tons of surprising twists and turns. It would be a great book to read over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend!

  14. I am late to the party but at least I made it:) You have a great list this week and I have added The Girl Next Door to my reading list. This week I am reading I’d Know You Anywhere. You really intrigued me with your review and I decided to finally read it. Sometimes I have problems with sensitive subject matter so I am hoping I won’t struggle with it, lol:) Have a great week Sheila!!

  15. Hi – Looks like I got my post up Sunday night and then forgot to come link it. 🙂 You have diverse books this week. I hope you enjoy each one.
    And have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Thanks Martha – I like diversity other wise genres tend to bog me down…. I get caught up in all mysteries, or non fiction,. or YA and suddenly I am overdosed on the genre. 😀

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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