It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

First off – Happy Halloween or if you are reading this on Monday, November 1…. Happy belated Halloween.  I put up a fun interview late afternoon on Sunday and if you have not checked it out I hope you do as there is a giveaway attached to it.  (See link below)

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week.  It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

I love being a part of this and I hope you do too!  As part of this weekly meme I love to encourage you all to go and visit the others participating in this meme.  I offer a weekly contest for those who visit 10 or more of the Monday Meme participants and leave a comment.  You receive one entry for every 10 comments, just come back here and tell me how many in the comment area.

Last weeks winner (using Random.Org) was:

Sharon from Garden Of Books


Congratulations!  Please choose an item out of the PRIZE BOX and email me your choice with your mailing address as well!


This week was kind of funny as all three of the audio I had been listening to for weeks (one in the kitchen, one in the car, and one in my I POD) all finished this week.  It was like an audio rush…. not only to write reviews, but also to pick out three more!  (That’s the fun part!)  😀

Here is what happened in the House of Books this past week:

My interview with the Witch from Snow White (This is the one I mentioned above –  check it out!)

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot (audio review and wow – AMAZING!)

The Island by Elin Hilderbrand (audio review)

The Postcard killers by James Patterson (audio review – not a fav….)

Wig Begone by Charles Courtney ( book review -fun read!)

The DUFF by Kody Keplinger (book review)

A Fine White Dust by Cynthia Rylant (audio review)

Left To Tell by Immaculee Ilibagiza (review to come this week)

HIDE! by Jeff Foxworthy (review to come this week)

Silence by Shusako Endo (still completing)

This week I am hosting my first special event in my new position so that will take up some of my reading time and this coming weekend I have a girls weekend at our cabin where we are spending the weekend making crafts, baking cookies for Christmas, and watching chick flicks.  YAY!!!  That too will swallow up some reading time so in light of all of that – here is my plan for this week:

I haven’t read Lehane in a long time but loved his writing in Mystic River and Shutter Island (both movies I couldn’t stand but LOVED the books!  I cant wait to try him in the new release!

I have watched this one be raved about all summer from afar….. and now FINALLY I have captured this read for my  I POD and I am starting it today!

Audio for my kitchen CD player and I started this one today as well.  The synopsis of this one is haunting and something I have come to appreciate in Laura Lippman’s writing…. which you are about to see because look below…..

Yup – another Laura Lippman, this one is for my car.  My Lippman phase was not intentional, they both just came into the library for me at the same time so… well, here we go!  😀

You can click on any of the above pictures to take you to more information about the reads.


So that is where I am this week.  I can’t wait to see what you are all reading.  It seems like life has been so busy lately I hardly have time to get around and see your posts and if I have missed you recently I apologize, and am hopeful that as my life is getting somewhat back to normal that I will be able to visit all of your posts today.

Please add your link to your Monday What Are You Reading post below and have a super fantastic week!  😀


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72 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. I read Every Secret Thing a few years ago and remember really enjoying it. It seemed to be one of those books that just sticks with you for a long time after reading it. Hope you enjoy!

  2. Endo’s Silence is very powerful , and quite accurate about the history of Japan. It’s a personal favourite, hope you enjoy it. I too am waiting for Moonlight Mile to arrive. My son (37) and I have read all of Lehane’s books as they’ve come out and none have ever disappointed. I’m reading The Finkler Question and will be starting Docotor Zhivago for the November group read which starts tomorrow and a novella for the November Novella Challenge. Have a good week.

  3. You seem to be enjoying the library, didn’t you just start using it about a year ago? Maybe my memory is wrong (I am forgetful these days). 🙂

    I’m so glad you posted tonight – I’m done with all my posts for the week! I’m trying to be super proactive with two big deadlines at work, training, packing etc… it’s going to be a busy week and I want to enjoy it.

    Have a great week!

  4. I enjoyed your interview with Grimhilda! For some reason I always found Elphaba more frightening as a child.

    I hope you enjoy Saving CeeCee Honeycutt. I loved it! I want to listen to it on audio too .

  5. I keep meaning to try to read some Dennis Lehane…can’t decide if I should watch some of the movies based on his books again first, or just dive right in. I really like the cover for Life Sentences as well, that’s enough to get me to add it to my TBR pile!

  6. Oh, I really want to read Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt and saw it recently on the audiobook site. I’m going to see what you think and if you end up liking the audio version I think I may give it a go! Hope you have a fabulous reading week! And Happy Halloween to you too!

  7. Woohoo! I never win anything! I’m so excited..heading over to peek in your prize box!

    I hope you love Saving CeeCee Honeycutt as much as I did! Beth Hoffman is an awesome writer!

  8. I haven’t read anything by Laura Lippman, will have to check out her work. Loved Saving CeeCee, it is absolutely delightful on audio, hope you love it too!

    Off to check out your review of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Have a wonderful week and enjoy your weekend at the cabin … sounds fantastic 🙂

  9. I heard Saving CeeCee Honeycutt is a very good book also. Of course, No matter how many times I try to read regular fiction, I tend to revert to urban fantasy. Seems to be my favorite escape reading.

    funny witch interview! hope you had a great Halloween.

  10. I’ve only read one of Dennis Lehane’s books (A Drink Before the War). I really liked it, but it was so dark that I had to take a break before reading another.

    Enjoy your week.

    1. Lea, Lehane’s book Mystic River is a hard subject read but from what I recall it was very well done and I do not recall it being overly dark. I would recommend that one if you decide to try another 🙂

  11. Ooh…great reading week, Sheila! I’m dying to read the Henrietta Lack book, and I enjoyed the one Laura Lippman I’ve read so far.

    Funny, I also enjoyed Shutter Island but also liked the movie – I thought it stuck perfectly to the book. Only problem was, of course, that I already knew about the big twist at the end.

    A grown-up book by Cynthia Rylant? She’s one of our favorite kids’ authors.

    Looks like I need to check out a bunch of your reviews form last week…


    1. Maybe my distance from book to movie was too big Sue. I read Shutter Island so long ago. I dont know what it was about the movie but I left thinking if I had not first read the book I would be confused.

      I just started reading Cynthia Rylant, but enjoyed her! 🙂

  12. I know you will enjoy Cee Cee Honeycutt! Sorry you did not like Postcard Killers, I just got that audio and wonder how I will like it. My daughter got the book, so I may be switching. Have a great week.

  13. Oh, I didn’t know that Lehane has a new book! I’ve Mystic River on my TBR list and am glad to hear that it is great =) Hope that you enjoy his new book.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Shy! His new book hits the shelves tomorrow – I really should have been more proactive and read it before this so my review could go live with the release date. Someday i hope to be that organized. D

  14. Looks like a busy week for you. Hope its a good one!
    Jeff Foxworthy’s title sounds interesting, I can’t imagine what its about ! He cracks me up.
    Natalie :0)

  15. I have not put up a What Are You Reading? post in weeks because I am STILL reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. Don’t get me wrong, I am LOVING it, but it’s time consuming. The only part of the book I don’t like is the fact that I could have read 10 other books in this time. It’s ok, though. I’ll catch up one of these days…

    You have some amazing books on your list – as always!

  16. What a wonderful list you have! I’ve been dying to read THE IMMORTAL LIFE OF HENRIETTA LACKS and share your opinion on James Patterson. Your planned reads for this week look suspenseful- CEECEE will be a perfect break from the Lippman and Lehane mysteries. I hope you enjoy them all!

  17. On Monday, when I’m checking out what others are reading, I always seem to find my way to your blog. Thanks for sharing your week of reading. This week I’m finishing an amazing memoir called “Borneo Tom”by author Tom McLaughlin. It’s about a retired biology teacher and freelance writer who decided a retirement community was too
    tame and returns to the land of his Peace Corp days of thirty five years ago. The sketches alone are pretty funny.

  18. CeeCee Honeycutt was a fun quick read. We read it for one of my bookclubs.
    And again….I come in for Monday What are you reading VERY LAST! Pacific Standard time. lol
    Have a good week.

  19. I have never read anything my Laura Lippman and you have be intrigued now. Off to the library I went yesterday and came home with the same audio book and book. Can’t wait to get into them.

  20. Looks like some great reading ahead for you! I’ve been wanting to read CeeCee Honeycutt so I hope you enjoy it. I enjoyed Lehanes Shutter Island so I am happy to see this bookm Moonlit Mile. Thanks!

  21. It is a lot of fun visiting all of the participating bloggers for your meme. No wonder you look forward to it! I only visited the 32. It was a lot of fun. I hope to do more next week. Have a gerat weekend at the cabin Sheila!

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