Morning Meanderings…

Good morning!  Looks like it is going to be a gorgeous day here in Minnesota.  Al and I and a couple of friends of ours are going to take a motorcycle ride this morning around the area.  This will of course require the helmet that I purchased a couple of years ago that reminds me of something Schultz would wear in that old series, Hogan’s Heroes.

Ok, maybe it is not that bad….. but every time I wear it I like to say “I know nothing…. NOTH -ING!”  You would need to know the show to understand that line… 😀

Here is what popped up in my Email box this morning… these are the books that became available this week in either hard cover or paperback.  Joy In The Morning is one that catches my eye as it is written by Betty Smith, author of A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.

How about you?  Are any of these books on your wish list?

New in Fiction
“The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet” by David Mitchell
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“Work Song” by Ivan Doig
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“A Vintage Affair” by Isabel Wolff
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“The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives” by Lola Shoneyin
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“Her Fearful Symmetry” by Audrey Niffenegger
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“Tatiana and Alexander” by Paullina Simons
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“Joy in the Morning” by Betty Smith
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“A King of Infinite Space” by Tyler Dilts
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“The Quickening” by Michelle Hoover
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“Paths of Glory (Penguin Classics)” by Humphrey Cobb
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52 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…

  1. You are always doing the most fun things! Have fun on your ride!

    I’m not up on new releases, so I’ve never heard of any of those books except Her Fearful Symmetry which I do think I would like to read, based on blogger reviews.

  2. Good morning!
    A Vintage Affair sounds like a good one! I need to catch up on my new releases as well! =)

  3. I have read Her Fearful Symmetry and it was Wonderful! I have had my eyes on A Vintage Affair so will have to pick that up, and Tatiana and Alexander looks really good as well. The covers are just beautiful!

    1. Colleen – I think some day I am going to get photo paper and print out some of the gorgeous covers of books I have read and hang them in my reading room.

  4. I got that same list in an e-mail…I’m thinking that Joy in the Morning sounds good. It’s been a long time since I Smith’s other book.

    Have a great day!

    1. Kathy that was the first one I clicked on to see what it was about…. then I wasn’t so sure about it…. I think I will watch for your review and see what you think 🙂

  5. My daughter and I went to a bookstore yesterday. She bought A Vintage Affair. I hope to read it after her.

    Have a great weekend. The motorcycle ride sounds so nice.

  6. I so loved Hogan’s Heroes. My favorite scene was when Schultz started up the motorcycle (speaking of) with the sidecar and took off, leaving a very upset Col. Klink sitting in the sidecar which hadn’t been attached. 😀 I know nothing!

  7. I definitely remember Sergeant Schultz! LOL

    JOY IN THE MORNING is an oldie that I read when I was a teenager I think. It’s nice that it is being reprinted. It’s a dear story as I remember.

  8. I’ve been pondering A Vintage Affair, Barnes & Noble keeps telling me I want it and they can be pretty persuasive.


    I used to watch Hogan’s Heroes reruns all the time!

  9. I love your helmet…I want one similar but it has to be pink!! My hubby and I ride all the of my favorite things to do with him!
    P.S. and I do get the “I know nothing!”

    Have a great weekend! 😀

    1. I know I seen it somewhere hippiechrissey, I cant remember if it was your blog or not. I will stop in later to see if I have read your thoughts on it. 🙂

  10. Oh, I’ve not been on a motorcycle ride in such a long time. When I was a kid, my poor Mum used to fret and worry whenever I went on the motorbike with Dad!

    1. Nikki-ann, we did not go at all last year… too busy. Today was the first time I rode on back with my hubby. Usually I ride with someone else because he is a fairly new rider.

      He did wonderfully!

    1. That’s interesting Petty Witter. I dont believe I have heard of it until it hit my mailbox this morning. I will need to watch for the reviews on that one. 🙂

  11. I’ve read the ARC of “A Vintage Affair” and loved it. Highly recommend it! Enjoy the hot day today, Sheila.

  12. Hi Sheila !
    All look good but that helmet takes the cake !!!!!
    ‘The Vintage Affair’ is good….I’ve read that one. I guess my pick would be ‘Joy In The Morning’…it sounds calming and I ‘so’ need something to cool me down. I am swimming in books right now and now most of them are on my studytable forming a paperback mountain reaching towards the heavens [this comes from sticking your head in theology, everything either leads to heaven, hell or the new library come up down the road…..BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY].
    My aim is to find space for my books……..after all, if they fall….they will be on my head !… can not read them from that angle can you ?
    Alright, I will keep on swimming….you enjoy your week !

    1. LOL Fiza – I like your analogy of the books either lead to heaver, Hell. or the library down the road…..LOL – if I ever write that book I hope to some day I am so using this line 😀

  13. Some good books here.
    A VINTAGE AFFAIR is the only one I had heard about and it is on my list of books to look for.
    After checking out the others, I’ll be looking for HER FEARFUL SYMMETRY, THE QUICKENING, and THE SECRET LIVES OF BABA SEGI’S WIVES first before moving on to the rest.

Hmmmm... what do you think?