BEA Swag Bag Giveaway!!!

This one is for all of the book lovers out there who did not make it to New York the end of May for the BEA (Book Expo America) or BBC (Book Blogger Convention).  (This bag was handed out at the Book Blogger Convention and is filled with goodies from authors and publishers).  Each attendee received this bag, and they had extras and the wonderful bloggers who put BBC together offered an extra bag for those who wanted one.  I picked up an extra one for you!

Here is what is inside:

OOH!!!  AHHHH!!!

This giveaway is open until Saturday June 11th.  USA or Canada entrants only please (sorry, it just gets really expense to sent items beyond that).  Please only sign up to win if you did not attend either BEA or BBC.  To enter – leave me a comment here telling me if you were to attend this event, what would be something that would be one of the biggest draws for you (IE.  authors, books, meeting other bloggers, site seeing…)

Have a great day!!!

128 thoughts on “BEA Swag Bag Giveaway!!!

  1. I seriously attempted to make it to BEA/BBC this year, after being sorely disappointed I wasn’t able to attend BEA last year, but again it didn’t work out. The biggest draw, for me, is the other bloggers. But the authors, publishers and books are pretty hard to discount, too!

  2. What a great giveaway! I would say the the biggest draw for me would be to actually meet all the great bloggers that I have read and communicatee with online.

  3. That is a hard question you posed. I suppose the thing for me would be to meet the people behind the blogs. Books don’t hurt either!

  4. Oh.My.Goodness. I am tempted to give you all my children for this. đŸ˜‰ As you may be aware due to my children choosing inconvenient times to graduate and with them in college I will not be able to attend BEA or BCC until the year 2014 *sob*.

    Just one thing? That is a difficult question. I think the draw would be to learn more about publishing, book reviewing and what will be coming out in the future. An added bonus would be seeing all of you and meeting authors.

    Crossing my fingers and hoping signing up for this on my 41st Birthday will bring me extra luck.

    knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

  5. I’m not a blogger but it all still sounds wonderful! I would love to meet the authors and bloggers and, of course, I would be thrilled to get all the great books!
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  6. From reading the tweets people posted during the Book Blogger Con, the content would be a huge draw for me. I’m always looking for ways to improve my blog.

    But the people in general are the biggest draw. Networking, whether it be with authors, other bloggers, publicists, publishers. It’s invaluable. And it is also nice to put real live faces with avatars and profiles!

  7. I’m sure the biggest draw for me would be just looking at all those amazing stalls. I saw a few pictures from BEA attendees and I would give anything just to see that with my own eyes. đŸ™‚

    And of course, meeting bloggers and authors, getting free books *wink*, attending those amazing conferences. LOL!

  8. I didn’t make it to BEA and I would love to win this fabulous goodie bag!

    Of course I would love to meet authors, but I think I would have enjoyed meeting bloggers like yourself even more.

  9. no one i know adores books like i do so just to be in the company of hundreds of people with the same passion would be awesome…to talk books and not hear “when do you find time to read” or something equally silly
    of course…a few free books would be sweet too
    i had serious envy seeing your pile and bermudia onion’s piles!!!
    my fingers are crossed

  10. That’s a very hard question. But if I had to choose the BIGGEST draw for me, it would have to be that I’d get to meet all the people I’ve “met” through blogging. Book bloggers are the friendliest people I’ve met on or offline and I would love to meet you all in person.

  11. The biggest draw…oh my, that would be everything! I have never been to a Book Expo or Book Convention. Just the thought of meeting a bunch of authors, talking to them about their books, and of course, getting some wonderful books…what a thrilling adventure! I would be talking about that for years!

  12. I wasn’t able to go to BEA/BBC but if I did I’d look forward to meeting the bloggers I’ve only met online. There are so many I would have loved to meet. Next would be meeting authors.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Fun giveaway! I would like to meet some of the authors and see the new books. Even though I don’t have a blog, it would be fun to meet some of the people behind the blogs.

  14. This is so new to me that all I can say is WoW! I love books and don’t get nearly enough time to read. I don’t know what would draw me to go but I think just the idea of the whole experience would be amazing! Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway!

  15. This is a wonderful giveaway, Sheila! Thank you so much. I was so disappointed not to be able to attend BEA or BBC especially considering I live in the area. I would have loved to meet many of the bloggers who attended. After a short time blogging in this community, I have come to know what a terrific & supportive group are book bloggers. I would also love to meet authors!

    ~ Amy
    Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com

  16. It would be hard to choose just one thing…but seeing other bloggers would be at the top of the list, followed by seeing all those great NY bookstores!


  17. I didn’t attend BEA but if I did the books and authors would be what I make a bee-line for…..

    Great giveaway! If Canada is allowed, please include me.

  18. I didn’t attend BEA đŸ˜¦ but I’m trying to convince my parents to take me next year for my 16th birthday! I would love to meet some YA authors and editors, and snatch up some ARCs!

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  19. That looks like an awesome giveaway and i hope i might get lucky enough to win!

    the best thing to me about attending BEA if i were to go would be chatting with the authors. I have finished my first book and have been editing it. I would love to pick their heads and get ideas. To know what to expect in the process of trying to get published. It would also be fun to meet other bloggers and get ideas for blogging.

  20. What a generous giveaway, thank you Sheila. If I did attend BEA, which I hope to do next year, the biggest draw for me, outside the books, would be meeting some of the bloggers that I have come to look up to and respect.

  21. Being a new book blogger I would LOVE to meet the bloggers, meet the authors and heck ya! all the freebies đŸ™‚ and then well, who doesn’t love NEW YORK!! Reading in Central Park while drinking a coffee….heaven on earth I tell ya!! đŸ™‚ that’s it.

    Awesome giveaway and I will be honest ~ I am praying to win đŸ˜‰

  22. This is a lovely giveaway. To attend would be wonderful as meeting authors, and seeing all the books being published would be amazing.

  23. That was so thoughtful of you, to remember to get a second bag for people! I didn’t think of that. (don’t sign me up, though!)

  24. I think it’s a tie between meeting other bloggers and the chance for all of the fun free stuff.

    What a great giveaway! Thank you.

  25. Wow!! What Schwag! I would have loved to meet fellow book lovers in person and interact with those that I only get to do virtually. Of course, I would be beside myself surrounded by all of those books and authors too!

  26. I have never been to New York, so site seeing would
    definitely be on my to do list there! Also, I enjoy visiting
    and new blogs and the interesting people that write them.
    I love books and reading…
    Your swag bag is grand! I would appreciate my name
    being entered in your drawing…
    Many thanks, Cindi

  27. I’m gonna be frank and say it straight as it is: I’d go for the books! Second place, the authors and the bloggers, but way above them on first place: the books. I’m bad, greedy and always like free books! (I’m too international to be in the draw, that’s fine.)

    Also wanted to say how I like the pictures and comments that you made. Looked such fun, I really laughed out loud!!

  28. I wanted to much to go to BEA and the Book Blogger convention this year, but with my surgery and all, I knew it was just an impossiblity. So I enjoyed yours and Reagan’s adventures vicariously online, and it was almost as good as being there in person. You girls looked like you had the time of your lives!

    If I were to attend, I would just soak in the rarified atomosphere of so many people who love words and books in the same place at the same time. I can’t help but think how overwhelming it would have been to be there and meet so many people with the same interests that are near and dear to my heart!

    Thank you for doing this giveaway contest, Sheila. You are one of the most generous ladies I know and I’m proud to count you among my book buddies!

  29. What a fantastic giveaway. I’m crossing all of my crossables that I win this one. đŸ™‚ I won’t lie, the books and authors are a big draw for me, but the biggest benefit would be the other bloggers and publishers. I’m so new to this that I’d like to know more about getting started the right way.

  30. I think the books and authors would be my biggest draw. I’ve never even been to a local author event, so it would be cool to see so many in one place!!

  31. I would love the swag of course, but meeting other book lovers and talking would rock. If an author I loved was there I’d probably pass out. If an author my great aunt loves was there and I could get her an autograph she may adopt me lol.
    lovemybabysquid at yahoo dot com

  32. Attending BEA would be a dream for me, meeting some of the authors that has kept me entertained for years. Alas, it’s not in the cards for me, but i am enjoying hearing how much fun the attendees had.

  33. I’d love to win the giveaway! BEA would be a wonderful thing–the best would be the people-connection of meeting authors and other book lovers all gathered in one place. What a high! The number of books available and being able to pick them up, leaf through them, bask in the cover art and purchase them (I’d be one of those 4-boxes-home kind of gals too!) would also be glorious! I so enjoyed your online experiences vicariously, so thank you for sharing!

  34. It is a great give-away, but I don’t think that I can take part in it seeing as I’m from Poland, but maybe ;). Nevertheless, I would like to share my thoughts with you.

    To tell the truth, I’ve never heard about BEA/BBC until now, but I think it’s a marvellous idea and for me, the biggest draw would be a chance to meet all blogers whose blogs I read. Of course, meeting with authors also would be amazing, but thanks to blogers I’ve read so many books and there, we could share our thoughts about novels, authors and so on. And thank you for sharing your experiences! đŸ™‚ Have a nice day! đŸ™‚

  35. If I could have attended, I’ll admit it would have been for the books and authors. I think it would be fabulous to meet other bloggers too, but totally overwhelming for my rather shy personality. It would have been very good for me, though đŸ™‚

  36. This is one of the best giveaways! If I went to BEA the best part for me would be meeting fellow bloggers and of course meeting the authors. The books would be great too but meeting the brains behind the blogs and books would be over the top for me!

  37. Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Oh gosh! What a fabulous give away!!! I would love to attend for lots of reasons:) Meet authors, talk to publishers, meet other bloggers, site seeing, and of course the FOOD! But mostly it would be to see all my wonderful bloggy friends. I would love to meet them and sit face face to face:) Thanks so much for the giveaway:)

  38. Please enter me. How lovely that goodie bag is. Nice, nice, nice. OK, well, for me, it sounds like Disneyworld for book lovers. I would enjoy the authors a lot. I’d enjoy meeting other bloggers a lot. But…for me, it’s the books. Not so much to have the free angle. I mean that’s great and all, but my word, all those books. I might fall to my knees and weep. đŸ™‚

    I have a tiny bit of an addition to books. Did you know??

  39. I’m not a blogger, so the best part would be meeting and talking to bloggers. Who knows, I might even become one.


  40. That is the coolest bag of fun I’ve seen in awhile. My biggest enjoyment would be getting to meet other bloggers seeing as how I converse with many of them on a weekly basis!
    PS Is this contest open to Canadians???

  41. “Ohh Ahhh” is right! And may I add a WOW! What a super bag. That alone would attract me to the convention. On a more serious note, all aspects of the convention are attractive to me as a book lover. Meeting authors, talking about books, meeting bloggers such as yourself, seeing cool bookstores in another state…..all of it! Of course, having it in a city with a beautiful beach nearby wouldn’t hurt either. đŸ™‚

  42. I did not attend BEA, but what I would love would be to meet other book bloggers as well as see all the great new books there.


  43. Thanks so much for the contest!

    I think the whole event is a huge draw, I’m definitely thinking about going next year. Of course I would *love* getting all the books and meeting authors, but one of the coolest parts about it is getting to meet all the fellow book bloggers. Very cool.

  44. Please sign me up. School librarians have a very hard time being gone so near the end of the school year. In fact, it is against our contract. I couldn’t attend either event. I would love to meet so many authors and actually meet bloggers that I follow. Just being in an environment filled with booklovers would be great. Thanks.

  45. Jennifer said that she would give you her children, I will do her one better. I will give you my dog. What? You don’t think that dogs are better? Well, I don’t have kids to give:)

    I would have loved to go so that I could know that all of the wonderful book bloggers are real and not just a figment of my imagination.

  46. Oh my gosh this is such a cool giveaway! I was not able to go to BEA this year (although I desperately wanted to) because I am just too far away – florida – and couldn’t afford to go. The best part to me would be meeting all the authors and getting to speak with them in person. I read your blog post about getting a tour with Sarah Pekannen and I was SO JEALOUS! That would be like Christmas for me! Thanks for the giveaway!

  47. Jennifer…you’d give up your kids for some swag? Today is your 41st birthday? Uh. You WORK it, girl! Hehe Just kiddin’!

    Since I have only one kid to offer, I’m not gonna go that route. (Although there are times I’d give him up for far less than a bag of books.)

    I’ve been to New York a couple of times and have seen all the sites, so I would spend all my time meeting other bloggers (it would be great to put a face to the blog) and also meeting authors. And then of course I would post on my blog all the pictures I took to make everyone who didn’t get to go jealous.

    My goodness I’m feeling feisty today. Must be the rainy weather.

    Really, though, what an amazingly generous giveaway, Sheila!!

  48. The biggest draw for me would be the authors. I LOVE meeting authors, even though I get all fangirl on them and say silly things. I can’t imagine how cool it would be to meet so many great authors!

  49. I’m pretty much obsessed with books, so I would love to have been there to find out about (and maybe be able to take home) so many! It would be great to meet the authors and bloggers too.

  50. I was actually OK with not getting to BEA, but hated missing the Book Blogger Convention, so I have to say that meeting and talking with other bloggers is definitely the biggest draw for me. Scooping up some new books is NOT a drawBACK, though :-).

  51. I’m a book junkie, but I’d have to say if I could ever make it to a convention like this it would be to meet some of the authors. I have sent friends in different cities to get books signed for me because no one ever does a book signing in Pittsburgh. You would think we don’t have a million Borders, Barnes & Noble and Joe Beth bookstores throughout the area…and a Books A Million in nearby Wheeling.

    That’s not to say I wouldn’t leave without a few planes full of books…and when I say planes…I mean US army cargo planes!!!

  52. I so wish I could have gone! Maybe next year (yeah, right). Anyway, the appeal for me is the books, swag, meeting authors, and meeting other book bloggers! How FUN!


  53. Great giveaway. I would love to go to this event, I didn’t know it existed till I started reading book blogs. I would love it for various reasons, meeting the authors, finding you authors though would be the biggie for me.

  54. Awesome giveaway! I’d love to meet authors and fellow book-lovers if/when I go to BEA. Although I’ve heard there’s a lot of shoving involved, I think it’d be cool to be surrounded by fellow bibliophiles. đŸ˜€

  55. Wowza! For me, the books would be the biggest draw to something like BEA, or to know that one of my favorite authors was in attendance.

    Thanks for counting me in!

  56. I did not get to attend, but hopefully one day…

    I would be drawn to the bookish buzz. – The general excitement and being surrounded by all those other people who are just like me (obsessed with books)!

    I would love to win the grab bag – please enter me.

    thereadingjourney at gmail dot com

  57. Oh I wish I could have gone! It would have been a tie between books and meeting other bloggers! So much fun and I hope to go next year.

  58. Oh, Wow!!!
    I think (never been!) the draw for me would be a chance to meet the authors=)
    Thanks a million for a chance!
    Lethea B

  59. What an awesome giveaway for us left behind folks, Shelia! How fun. If I were ever to go to BEA, of course, meeting authors and other bloggers in person would be really fun. But, I also thing some of the other book world things you got to experience, like going to The Strand (!) and touring Scholastic sound very cool as well. Thanks for the chance to win!

  60. Books! Books! Books! Meeting the authors would be awesome! I have been giving books away to my grandchildren that have been in my family for over 100 years.

  61. I’d have to say meeting the authors and learning about their upcoming release projects!
    six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  62. Just being among so many lovers of books and reading would do it for me! The opportunity for getting books and seeing authors would be like icing on the cake.

    Thank you for having this give-away.

  63. Great give away! Thank you for entering me. If I was at BEA the biggest draw would be meeting authors. Oh, and book shopping!

  64. If I had the chance to attend BEA, the greatest thing would be the chance to hang out with wonderful bloggers like you! You have inspired me to read more and start my own blog in hopes that my students (I teach 5th grade language arts) will be drawn to the technology part of it all. Thank you sooo much!

  65. Hi I did not make the BEA, .. I don’t know what the biggest draw. I am a book person so everything at BEA would be a draw. Possibly the most would be the book blogger panel, and the bloggers, the books to be upcoming..

  66. omigosh I would love to win just the great bag itself đŸ™‚ I hope someday I can join the festivities at BEA- it is a dream of mine, seriously. I think the biggest thrill for me would be simply being surrounded by fellow bookworms and being part of the whole publishing community. The closest I get to that at home is at my library đŸ™‚

  67. I have always wanted to go to the BEA (I used to work at a bookstore, and our buyers got to go-as a lowly customer service person, I did not). The big draw for me would be all the authors I got to meet–but checking out all the new books wouldn’t hurt, either!
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  68. Wow! I didn’t know there was such a thing as the BEA, (and do we have something like this in Australia??) I would be there with bells on to meet the authors for sure, and the bloggers, and to see books and whatever else they have related to books. I think I would be in heaven!! Hope that you post to Australia!
    Wendy xx

  69. Hi Sheila! I am so happy that you had a great time. All of your posts and pictures looked like you were having a blast! If I would have been able to go, I think the biggest thing for me would be to meet other book bloggers (not that all of those free books wouldn’t be AWESOME), but I just think it would be great to meet some of the people I have grown so attached to in the short time I have been blogging….

  70. What a LOVELY giveaway! No I did not attend BBC or BEA đŸ˜¦ sad day but I did participate in ArmchairBEA and that was fun. If I ever had the oppurtunity to go to BBC or BEA in New York all the authors would be surreal! and all the bloggers would be so awesome to meet, to actually talk to all the people who’s blogs you read religiously? so awesome! but I would also be completely ecstatic to see ALL THE BOOKS! books, books and MORE books! đŸ˜€

  71. The biggest draw for me would be the totebags filled with books and the knowledge one could check in suitcases and keep going back to fill them with books. I went to ALA (librarian’s) exhibit floor in Atlanta a few years ago. I kept taking our bags of books to the car. That was an awesome experience. I’m sure BEA is even more so!

    bmcbroom @ gmail dot com

  72. What an amazing goody bag.

    Several things would draw me (apart from all the obvious book talk)
    *I’ve never travelled outside of Europe so that would be exciting.
    *There aren’t too many English book bloggers out there so I’d like to represent us.
    *I’d love to organise such an event here in the UK, getting ideas would be a great first step.
    * I’d love to meet some of my fellow book bloggers from across the pond and what could be a better place to do it?

  73. If I were to attend the biggest draw for me would be the books. I just love books. But I would also enjoy seeing the authors. Thanks for having this giveaway.

  74. I’m glad there were some extras!

    If I were attending BBC and BEA it would be to meet my fellow book bloggers. Everyone is so helpful and nice to noobs.

  75. Wow Sheila what a prize! I don’t live near any other book bloggers that I know, and no one understands my love of reading. Gets a little sad not to have anyone to blog talk with in person. I would have loved to have been at BEA and BBC for all the reasons you can imagine. Other bloggers is probably the number one reason, but the education on improving my blog would have been amazing. Also, authors are like superstars to me, so just walking around meeting them and some of you hung out with them!! I can’t leave out all those books either! I hope to go next year, but I currently have negative vacation time at work, so I don’t know if it will happen then either! Thanks for the giveaway!

  76. In a word, EVERYTHING! I have never been to NYC, so that would be exciting right off the bat. But even more of a draw would be the chance to get to see–and get!–some of the new books there and meet their authors! I would LOVE to get some autographed copies of some books to give as gifts (though some would be gifts to ME!).

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  77. Sheila, I am not a blogger, in fact as you know I am a rookie follower and enjoying every moment of it. I would love to make it to BEA one day. I am a jewlery maker, and am getting reading to go to the large Bead and Button (gemshow) in Milwaukee next week. This will be my 2nd year, and I know how exciting it is to meet the artists that I have “talked” with and ordered from all year online. The excitement is electric and it was great hearing about your adventures every day; just as when I would find a great catch of pink jade or run into my favorite lampwork artist from the west coast.
    And it being books and all, I could really relate. My favorite thing to do besides meeting the authors, would be to read in Central Park. I am so glad you shared that with us. It is one of my favorite spots in the world. I have listened to some great conversations there from people sitting on benches next to me, and often thought I could even write a book of short stories about some of them. Thanks for your generous giveaway!

  78. Oh what an amazing goodie bag, going at the BEA/BBC was a serious workout carrying around these heavy bags full of books đŸ˜€

    Thanks for your generosity and this awesome giveaway!

    If I attended BEA/BBC besides the amazing books I could ahve gotten, the other major bonus would ahve been meeting other bloggers and finally see them in person! Of course meeting/talking with authors would have been fantastic too! Such a surreal experience đŸ˜€

    I haven’t seen if this was international or not, if yes, please enter me! Thank you đŸ™‚

  79. You are the best! Thanks for thinking of us – the non-attendees. If I were to go, I would enjoy (apart from the books) the presentations. I love to hear about the trends and tips on the book world.

  80. Whoa! Great bag full of goodies! Thanks for thinking of all of us who couldn’t make it. I would have loved to go not only for all the great books, but to meet the authors who are all so appreciative of their readers. Loooked like it was a great week!

    aksimmo at brainerd dot net

  81. I’m so envious! I would have loved to attend this event!
    I would love to meet bloggers and authors both. Bloggers because they share in my same passion. Authors because they deserve a chance to meet the people who’s lives they’ve touched.

    The goodies are an added bonus! đŸ™‚


  82. I so have to save up to go to both of those conventions next year! I really like that book light….

  83. I’ve been wanting to go to BEA to meet the authors, see the books, and be surrounded by other book lovers! Maybe next year.

  84. To answer your question Sheila, obviously all the free books would be FABULOUS, but it would be meeting the authors…and the other bloggers…and the sights…yea all of it!

  85. Don’t think I commented yet. It has been hard to tell what I have done this trip. The place are staying now has WIFI but I was using it out side in humid 90+ weather and finally gave up.
    Going to a convention for me would be a treat. I would come early or/and stay late so I could visit the area if I hadn’t already been there. At the conference itself, I would take advantage of every opportunity. I would meet as many authors as possible. I’d visit as many publishing house and trade booth as possible. Getting to know the other attendees would be a bonus.

  86. oh, it looked like you guys had so much fun! i always get a little tongue tied around authors, so for me i think it would have to be to meet the other blogger, so of who i feel like i already know, and for the books, of course! =D

  87. Biggest draw for me if I go next year would be meeting other bloggers, of course! Second would be authors and books equally. And I would like to site see, but all my money will probably go to the trip to BEA & BBC!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  88. The biggest draw for me? Being surrounded by books and people who don’t think my …urm ‘interest’ in them is excessive. Also getting a peek at the ‘backstage’ workings of the publishing and book selling industries. My love of story extends to writing them as well as reading them (and watching, and listening) and my twin dreams vie for ascendancy–to have my stories read and loved and to work in (live in; own? an indie bookstore that is a community gathering place for readers, writers, and students from tot to tottering elder.

    That’s why my blog’s emphasis on reading and writing blogospheres keeps pendulumming wildly

    But alas! even if I managed to hop a ride on a magic rainbow, I’d likely only lurk in the shadows as I’ve done on the blogosphere since 2004 as that reticence is nothing compared to my pathological shyness in public. Get me alone in a room or a car and give me time to warm up on a subject I’m passionate about and you will begin to wonder if I’ll ever shut up (witness this comment) but when I’m in the presence of more than two or three I cannot compose and utter a comprehensible sentence to save my life.

    And then there is that tripping on rainbows thing–and snags in the carpet, cats and pant cuffs, cracks in the sidewalk, curbs and squashed beverage cups. I don’t know who would be the less safe if I were to attend BEA–me or the citizens of NYC. đŸ™‚

    OK this got out of control and I just cut 50% off the end and wrote a post instead đŸ˜€

    thanx for inspiring me đŸ™‚

  89. Just the thought of going to New York (top place on my wish list of places to visit!) and going to a conference filled with books, authors, like minded people and coffee… well heaven…

  90. I tried my best to attend the BEA this year but failed. Although the BEA is full of things that could turn a book lovers trip into Heaven on Earth, I think the BEA would be a great experiece for my as a reader, a book lover, and a blogger. I am only thirteen, and I’m trying are to get myself known in the reading world, and if I went to the BEA I would be a step closer.

  91. I would have loved to be there so I could meet some of the wonderful bloggers… they are the people who inspire me to read more and blog!

  92. If I attended I would be most interested in checking out all the new books. Please enter me in this giveaway!

  93. Several classmates are well-know authors – what a great event. Thank you for this contest – please enter my name. Good luck to everyone!

  94. I so desperately wanted to go to BEA and BBC this year, but it was just not in the cards for me. Why was I all but begging my husband to let me go? The idea of meeting fellow bloggers was the number one reason I wanted to go. Sure, the idea of being surrounded by all those glorious books and by fellow book lovers was a huge draw, but it was the idea of celebrating book bloggers and meet those with whom I have been chatting and supporting for the past year that really had me salivating at the thought of attending.

    Thank you for being so generous as to pass along your BBC swag bag!

    jmchshannon (at) gmail (dot) com

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