Men and Dogs by Katie Crouch – Audio Giveaway

Thank you to Hachette Audio for the opportunity to give three copies of this audio away

In April of 1985, Buzz Legare went fishing. The next day all that was found was his boat and his waiting, faithful dog.

Twenty years later, his daughter Hannah still finds hope in believing, alone among her family, that he’s still alive somewhere. She has a smart husband, a thriving business, a beautiful home in San Francisco-and a huge hole in her troubled heart. True to her trademark talent for self-sabotage, she finds herself one starry night climbing up the fire escape in a desperate (and drunken) attempt to win back her own husband–and failing disastrously.

Slightly worse for the wear, Hannah returns to Charleston to salve her wounds. There, old loves, unrepented crimes, and family legends are stirred up from the dust. Hannah’s brother Palmer, the stoic with a secret of his own, cannot dissuade her from a manic search to uncover clues to the past, and they will both face shocking discoveries that lead them to reconcile their very different notions of loyalty and blind faith.

How To Enter this Giveaway

Katie Crouch’s books have fun titles.  She wrote Girls in Trucks and now, Men and Dogs.  To enter this giveaway share a made up title for a book that is short and to the point like these two titles are.  (You much complete this task to be entered)

Want more chances to win?

For two extra chances to win, become a subscriber  (or be a current subscriber) of this blog (do this in the upper right side bar) and let me know in a separate comment

Blog about this giveaway and let me know in a separate comment and receive two more entries

Twitter about this giveaway or link tot his giveaway on Facebook and let me know here for another entry

This giveaway will end on June 20.  USA and Canada entrants only please.

51 thoughts on “Men and Dogs by Katie Crouch – Audio Giveaway

  1. View From The Bottom…it could be about a ditzy, clumsy girl trying to make it through life by just staying on two feet!

  2. Dogs need bones. Life from the dogs perspective (as my dog is lying on the floor giving me the look that says she needs a new bone)

  3. Woman in the Garden

    how a woman becomes one with nature upon digging in the soil and pulling weeds(soil running through her fingers) and how she nurtures her plants as she nurtures her family.


  4. I have always been intrigued about counter intelligence. I think a novel about two people that fall in love romantically but later the woman finds out that man that she thought she knew very well turned out to be spy for CIA and was looking into arms sales that were being made to a third world country. These arm sales were being sold by the woman’s father’s firm. She now needs to make a decision to protect her father and end her relationship with the man that she loves or to keep quiet and ruin her father’s business. There is one underlying problem that also exists … when she was growing up her father had physically abused her, but more recently he had asked her for her forgiveness and she felt like she was beginning to know a father that she never knew before. I would title this book, “The Men I Never Knew.”

  5. Blood on my Shoes – which actually happened to me, as a nurse, when a bag of blood exploded all over me and the patient… it was on more than just my shoes! lol

  6. Cats are evil.

    (I’m a cat lover, so this is tongue-in-cheek, but true.)

    Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

  7. How about, “Boys, Birds and Bees”…a coming of age story!
    “I Squeee for Books”….a blogger’s addiction. lol

    Please enter me in your giveaway!



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