Morning Meanderings…

Whew!  I am up and active, just took me  a bit longer to put together what I wanted to this morning then I thought it would.  That’s me eternal optimist….LOL  😀

This morning, with the help of Coffee Cup (x3), I attempted to put together a slide show of my New York pics.  Yesterday afternoon I posted my BEA recap (check it if you haven’t – it was fun!), but I couldn’t put all my pictures in that post so here is the slide version.

Later I am posting the Tea with Adriana event so don’t miss that – I know my post wont do it justice, but I am going to try.

Have a super day – it is gorgeous here in central Minnesota.  I rollerbladed 8 miles yesterday with me friend Wendy (I missed that while I was gone!) and hope to get in some biking later this afternoon.

23 thoughts on “Morning Meanderings…

  1. Love the photos! That food looked absolutely delicious…and beautiful!

    That reminds me of my last summer’s vacation in the Napa Valley (I know, it’s not NY! lol), but the food and wine had to be photographed.

  2. Aww, your slideshow is awesome — what a fun idea! Takes up less space, too, which is always at a premium on our blogs. We have so much to say! 🙂

  3. So much fun 🙂 I have no doubt you will be floating for months NOT just days 😉

    Rollerblading! awesome ~ I’m off to workout to my 30day shred video! woohoo

  4. I would love to go to New York one day, especially for BEA! It looks like you had a lot of fun!

    1. Hannah I am getting there. 😀 This afternoon I am going to work on a couple posts and my mailbox post for Sunday as I figure out how to mention all of the BEA books. (I may try a VLog but I am not thrilled about that and think I will stammer all over the place!)

      1. Yeah, I sometimes think lists are better than vlogs. I’m sure it’s a huge stack/list/whathaveyou and will take quite a bit of time no matter what way you go.

Hmmmm... what do you think?