It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Happy Monday everyone!  Wow another week that zipped right on by!    I am really enjoying sharing this meme with all of you and seeing what everyone has been doing and reading over the past week as well as the plan for the week ahead.

First things first – thanks you to those who came back and let me know that you commented on 10 or more Monday, What Are You Reading posts.  I love the community part of this meme!  🙂  Remember – for every 10 you comment on and then tell me in the comment area below, I put you in for our weekly drawing out of the prize box!  (10 comments = 1 entry, 20 = 2 entries, etc…)

So I am so excited to announce that last weeks winner was (using

MICHELLE (Literarily Speaking)

Congratulations!  You get to choose an item out of the Prize Box !  Let me know your pick here as well as email me at journeythroughbooks (at) gmail (dot) com with your mailing address!

Here is what I read and reviewed last week:

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher (I can’t recommend this book enough – it was an excellent read!)

The Pastor’s Wife by Jennifer AlLee (this book was such a good read!  I loved these characters and would love to see them come back in a second book.  **Hint! Hint!

Hear No Evil by Matthew Paul Turner (an interesting read about how music played an interesting – and humorous – role in Matthew’s life)

Swoon AT YOur Own Risk by Sydney Salter (I enjoyed this YA read and found it refreshingly light and summery!)

Buying Time By Pamela Samuels Young (ooh a fast paced thriller – I have been reading this one over the past few weeks and really enjoyed it!)

I had a wonderful week of reading and with the house empty now for the next week my reading pace should hopefully continue.  I still have reviews to post this week on books I finished a few weeks back.

This weeks plan of attack:

I am reading this book for a guest review over at Book Chick City in March

And these books are all part of what I hope to be a Michael Sullivan Reading week.  I was thrilled to receive all three of these books signed and personalized!  My hope is to spend the week reading these books and hopefully have them up for review by the weekend or the first part of next week.   I have heard wonderful things about these books!

Be sure to link your It’s Monday!  What Are You reading post here so we can all go and see what you have going on!  Also remember to stop back with how many of these posts you commented on and tell me in the comment section so I may enter you in next weeks giveaway!  🙂

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150 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. This week I’m reading Angel & Apostle by Deborah Noyes. It’s the classic The Scarlet Letter told from the perspective of the “illegitimate” child of Hester Prynne. This was a book sent to me by the publisher, and I’m really enjoying it. Noyes’ writing is beautiful, and I feel like I’m having a really nice meal here.

    In order to prepare for this book, I didn’t have time to read The Scarlet letter all over again as I did in High School. But I barely remember some of the more small details of the book. So….. DON’T MOCK ME!!! I read the Cliff’s Notes!!! But it got me back up to speed on the characters and the symbolism.

    At some point I’m going to read another Scarlet Letter-themed book, Hester by Paula Reed, just released last week on 2/16.

    Enjoy your books this week!


  2. Thirteen Reasons Why is one of the books that has been on my wishlist – FOREVER! I seriously hope that one of these days, I’ll be able to read this book. Have read so many good reviews and I think it is about time for me to devour it myself!

    Hope you have a great reading week ahead =)

  3. I am immensely jealous of your Michael Sullivan collection, it was sold out a while ago I think, but I’m going to try and get my own copy as soon as I can
    I’ll be eagerly awaiting your reviews =D

  4. 13 Reasons Why has been on my to be read list since it came out, but it’s never in at the library. Your review makes me want to read it more. The Pastor’s Wife also sounds interesting. One of my oldest friends is a minister who works lots of long hours, so I can see how a congregation could become “the other woman” or “other man” (in my friend’s case). Have a great reading week!

  5. I’m reading The Year of the Flood this week (well… I’m listening to it). There is singing, it’s quite a production!

    We are also discussing part 1 of Anna Karenina this week.

    Have a great week, Mari

  6. I really want to read Thirteen reasons why and Swoon at your own risk. I like the look of the Michael J. Sullivan books, I need to check them out(haven’t heard of them before).

  7. Wow! You know, I was just looking at the Crown Conspiracy on my shelf this weekend wondering if Michael Sullivan had finished the series yet. See, I bought my copy of the Crown Conspiracy at his very first book signing. Still need to read it since it got misplaced for so long. Enjoy your reading this week!

    1. Hannah, I am not sure – but I think there are going to be more books than the three….. I am trying to remember but that is what i thought I was told.

      A book signing – those are fun!

  8. Great books you read last week. Have fun reading the books you got for this week. ENJOY.

    I heard so many great things about 13 reasons why, cant wait to read it for myself.

  9. Thanks for taking over this meme, I’ve enjoyed it and am glad to see it continue! I enjoyed your review of thirteen reasons why. the Sullivan books sound good. Happy reading!

  10. Shelia, All of my female students have been passing around Thirteen Reason Why in the last few month. One of them even wrote a review for my guest review page. You have really had a busy week. Hope this week is filled with great books too.

  11. Looks like you had a busy reading week — it’s sad when the house is empty (I’m doing that this week and next), but the reading time is great!


    1. nancyo, I have been enjoying the down time and between working I have had plenty of reading time…. but yeah, I am already waiting for him to get home and by the end of this week I will probably be pretty tired of these walls. 🙂

  12. I have those Sullivan books on my list – they look great (and I am a sucker for a good cover…and love those!)

    I left about 23 comments this week, wish I could do more but.. so busy!

  13. I’ve not read anything by Michael Sullivan before but those books look interesting – I’ll be watching out for your reviews :o)

    Hope you have a great week!

  14. Thanks for stopping by, Sheila! I’ll be interested to read your thoughts on Sookie once you get to them. Have a great week, and thanks for the meme!

    1. bookmagic – he put a little personal message in each one too that is pretty cool…. like “this is the first book and will et you excited for whats to come” and then a different message in the second one etc,……

      I thought that was nice!

  15. Hey hope the day is going great for you..

    Drop me a line and let me know when the Sullivan thing is at BCC – I have them and had earmarekd them for the month end…

    I want to read them so if you guys are having a discussion I can take part…


  16. Hi again. I know I already commented, but I just want to tell you that I’m having a really good time with the whole What are you Reading Monday thing. I’ve kept up with the links from McLinky for this meme, and it has been so interesting to look at what everyone’s reading.

    Thank you so much, and it’s really nice to be a part of such a wide variety of readers!

  17. Just stumbled upon this meme for this first time, and oh boy, did it take up my entire early afternoon! Thanks for hosting – it was tons of fun seeing what others are reading. Oh, and I commented on 10 blogs. 🙂

  18. I’ve read loads of good stuff about 13 Reasons Why. I think I’ll be adding it to my TBR list. Hope you have another good reading week !

    I have commented on 30 blogs.

  19. You really were able to get a lot of reading done this week! And how exciting…a guest post at Book Chick City!

    Hope you have a fabulous reading week! I think I capped out at over 20 comments this week, I just can’t keep going! But it really was so much fun to get to know so many more bloggers. Thanks so much for hosting this!

  20. I’ve never read any of Michael Sullivan’s books… I hope you enjoy them! I might have to check them out. 😀 (and of course add to my already huge tbr list!)

    1. I havent read him either Corrine. He contacted me and I checked out what they were like and they look good. Since then I have heard a lot of hype around these books including that they are sold out until the next batch is printed. Not sure if that is correct info or not.

  21. I really loved your review on Jay Asher’s book and look forward to his interview. I recommend this book to a lot of teens who come through my library. It’s a powerful book with a powerful message.

  22. You’ve read some great books! I’m glad you enjoyed them! I’ll probably add them on my list!
    I read the Percy Jackson series a few months ago & loved them, so I hope you’re enjoying The Lightning Thief.

  23. I have not read the Michael Sullivan books although I have heard of him. You’ve made me more curious about his books though, I will have to check him out next time I am at the bookstore.

    I am finally reading Beautiful Creatures and Marianna (it’s a ghost story and I am a sucker for those).

    Enjoy your reading this week!!!!!!

  24. I’m back. I got those Sullivan books for my Kindle and am looking forward to them.

    I visited 20 blogs and enjoyed them all! Thanks for the encouraement here.

  25. Your reading week looks great!! I wanted to tell you how much I love participating in your meme…I love visiting new blogs and encouraging others on. I also love the list that we can click on so easily!!

    I visited 15+ blogs today!

  26. The Pastor’s Wife and Buying Time sound like good ones. I may have to check them out.

    I’ve commented on 10 blogs today. Found another one to follow. I’m really enjoying this commenting challenge each week!

    1. Melissa I remember seeing them on your blog. Cold Streak is a little out of my genre zone but I like to stretch myself and it is a perfect review for Book Chick City’s blog. I am curious about it too and have to admit it looks kind of good.

    1. Hi Susan – I deleted your double post. Your comment went to spam because of all the links you have on here. 🙂

      Thanks for joining in on the meme and for commenting. 🙂

  27. I’ve only been able to visit a few of the blogs through Mr Linky – but it’s been fun the last two weeks taking a look at all the different reader blogs out there. I wish I had more time just to sit and visit and make comments, but work gets in the way. 🙂

    1. Mardel I am so glad you are having fun with it. It does take time and I try hard to visit everyone on the Monday meme but I never get through the entire list on Monday 🙂

  28. I am still working on ELDEST by Paolini and have finished PERCY JACKSON AND THE LIGHTNING THIEF. Now I can get back to my adult books. I have several I started and had to set aside.

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