Swoon At Your Own Rick by Sydney Salter

You’d think Polly Martin would have all the answers when it comes to love—after all, her grandmother is the famous syndicated advice columnist Miss Swoon. But after a junior year full of dating disasters, Polly has sworn off boys. Now she’s just trying to survive her summer job at Wild Waves western-themed water park (under the supervision of ex #3 Sawyer Holmes) and focus on herself for once. So Polly is happy when she finds out Grandma is moving in for the summer –think of all the great advice she’ll get.
But Miss Swoon turns out to be a man-crazy sexagenarian! How can Polly stop herself from falling for Xander Cooper, the suddenly-hot skateboarder who keeps showing up at Wild Waves, when Grandma is picking up guys at the bookstore and flirting with the dishwasher repairman? And why, despite her best intentions, does Polly keep letting boys get in the way of her relationship with her best friend Jane?

No advice column in the world can prepare Polly for what happens when Jane convinces her to go on a group camping trip with three too many ex-boyfriends and the tempting Xander. Polly is forced to face her feelings and figure out if she can be in love—and still be herself.


OMG… What do you do when you work summer duty at a waterpark with your oh soooo cute ex boyfriend, have a mom who is a 5th grade teacher and in the summer takes a job at the local teen hangout serving greasy burgers and making lame jokes to all your friends, a 10 year old sister who is just you know… ten, a best friend who you are having trouble connecting with, another sort of friend who blogs about every wrong move you make – and then there is the geeky boy…. who really…. come to think of it…. isn’t so geeky any more.

I really (totally) loved this book.  It was light and refreshing.  This book takes you through one summer of happenings in Polly’s life and the paragraph I wrote above pretty much sums up what is going on.  Oh – but I didn’t mention the bulldog…. or the kiss…. yeah the kiss…..

I can’t tell you everything and give away the book but I can tell you if you are looking for a great YA read this is a good pick.  My only tiny thing I would mention is that the characters are mostly 17 years old and there is some underage drinking going on.  Other than that, I had moments I laughed out loud.  A fun read.

I received my copy from 1 Arc Tours

Read in its entirety in a car on the way home from Illinois

16 thoughts on “Swoon At Your Own Rick by Sydney Salter

  1. You get to read all of the cool, light YA books and I get the crazy in depth tomes on the history of water in agriculture. Acck, I need a better PR person!

    Seriously though, I like both light and heavy:)

  2. Sounds like a very fun read. Even though I’m not 17 anymore, I can still definitely relate to all the teenage drama. I still love reading books about teenagers and I’m not afraid to admit it! Great review, definitely adding this one to my TBR when you need a feel good teeny chick lit book.

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