Home Is Where The Wine Is by Laurie Perry w/ Giveaway!

The first horseman of the apocalypse is undoubtedly the Internet personal ad. I am not sure why every single one of them is some variation of:

Balding, Paunchy, Twice-Divorced, Unemployed Male Seeks Independently Wealthy Supermodel for No-Strings-Attached fun. Nonsmokers only.

She’s Back, and edgier than ever. In her debut narrative, Drunk, Divorced, & Covered in Cat Hair, blogger extraordinaire Laurie Perry, aka ‘Crazy Aunt Purl,’ gave women everywhere a hilarious yet heartfelt glimpse into her misadventures as a recent divorcee with a herd of cats, a slight wine and Cheetos problem, and scores of unfinished and uneven knitting projects.

Now, in her second installment, she’s no longer drunk-dialing her ex. She is well on her way to divorce recovery and has embraced a new-found philosophy: To make the best out of the ‘extra odd bits’—both in knitting and in life. Discovering how she accomplishes this will make you laugh and cry as she navigates new territory, from dating in a weird, wired world to vacationing solo for the first time. On the cusp of the big four-O, she ventures to the most exotic, foreign locations—the gym, a therapist’s office, a self-tanning emporium— on a search for enlightenment and happiness in— where else?—downtown Los Angeles.

What a funny book!  Timing is everything on this read and it is a perfect vacation style book.  It is a quick read with funny antidotes and day to day life of author/blogger Laurie Perry.  The book description said if you like cats and knit this book is for you!  Well cats make me a bit stir crazy and I have never knit in my life….. BUT if you like funny stories on working out and falling off ellipticals, poor dating choices and the list created so as not to repeat them, the ever existing quest for a square watermelon, gardeners who kill everything they touch, and vacations that bring out the self tanner experience…then by all means – pick this book up!

The book ends with several patterns including how to make an island beach bag, a braided kitchen run – and more.  That is kind of a fun idea!

Here is a link to Laurie’s blog:  Crazy Aunt Purl


Laurie Perry knits and writes in Los Angeles, California, where she chronicles her daily life on her online diary, Crazy Aunt Purl (www.crazyauntpurl.com). She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, MSN.com, Vogue Knitting, the Boston Herald, and The Palm Beach Post. Perry has written for the Los Angeles Daily News and the Winter Haven News Chief in Winter Haven, Florida. She is the author of Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair.

Oh and one more super cool thing that I think you are all going to♥ LOVE♥... Laurie is offering me 5 books to give away here at One Persons Journey Through A World of Books!  It’s true!!!

How to enter?

Leave a comment here of what your book would be titled if you were to write a book about your life  (*You must answer the question to be entered in giveaway!)

Bonus Entries?  OK!

Be a subscriber of this blog (upper right side bar) and let me know here that you are in a separate comment and you will have two more entries  (Followers of this blog that let me know will receive an additional chance)

Twitter or blog about this giveaway and let me know in a separate comment for another entry

Total entries possible:  5  Giveaway open to USA and Canada – this giveaway will close on February 18.

Good luck!

My Amazon Review

I received my review copy from TLC Book Tours

61 thoughts on “Home Is Where The Wine Is by Laurie Perry w/ Giveaway!

  1. Oh, Sheila, I’ve been wanting this one!

    I actually did write a book about my life (fictionalized), but you probably want one that I haven’t already done…so how about this? “Defining Moments.”

    I’m actually writing it now. But, again, it’s fiction. Does this count?

    My e-mail: chezraine@gmail.com

  2. Survival: Personal, Professional and Pretty Much Intact.

    (The above is why I will never write a book – if I can’t come up with a title how would I write a book?)

    Love Laurie, though, and would love to win a book!

  3. I don’t particularly like cats, but I do knit! I can never come up with names for things. Well, sometimes, but only as quick epiphanies. And it’s been ages since that happened.

  4. Sounds like a fun book!

    I think if I were to write a book about my life it would be called: Too Many Steps (as in step-parents and step-siblings)

  5. So many titles run through my mind when I think about a book about my life.

    Life:Inside & Outside of the Bottle
    Learning What I Don’t Want to be When I Grow Up
    Trying to Not Crash
    Madness:A Beginner’s Course

    I could go on….

  6. My life book title would be:
    “Yes, I really am the only one that can empty the garbage”

    Looks like a great book, love the idea of wine and cheetos!

  7. Title for my book THE CHAOS OF MY LIFE. Am afraid many people could probably use the same title.

    librarypat AT comcast DOT net

  8. Love the title of this book! Sounds like a really fund read, so please count me in.

    Hmmm…what would my book be titled? How about “She is too fond of books”…and hope that people would know the rest of the quote (and it has addled her brain). 🙂

  9. Laurie’s a hoot – I love reading her blog and absolutely loved her first book! I’m sure this one will be great too!!

    My life story would be titled “Short Attention Span Theatre”. (An alternate title might be “World’s Slowest Knitter”!)

  10. The title of my book would be “Always Waiting”. This book sounds like a real fun read. Please enter me. Thanks!

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