Author Interview with Sarah Beth Lindberg (+ Giveaways!)

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Today I am very excited to interview the author of two great reads (a third in the making) and she is also a friend of mine who I have had the pleasure of working with, rollerblading, and talking with for hours .

Good morning Sarah!  Thank you so much for joining me here today at One Persons Journey Through a World of Books!  I had watched you work on your first book and had the pleasure of being one of your proof readers before it went in for the final ok to go to print.  I am wondering, when did you first know you wanted to be a writer?

Sarah: I don’t know if I can pinpoint an exact time when I decided I was going to be a writer.  I just know that I have always had a passion to write.  I remember when I was in elementary school, my teachers always had great things to say about the stories I wrote.  All my stories had inspirational meaning behind them.  Writing was the one thing I truly enjoyed when I was in school.  In college, I knew I wanted to some day write a book that would glorify God with the life He has given me.

When did you take that step to actually start making this desire to write a reality?

Sarah: I started praying about what to write in 2004 and pursued writing in 2005.

What was it that gave you clarity on what your book would be about?

Sarah:  In my prayer time, I felt like I needed to write on the passage of Scripture that has guided my life.  Psalm 37:3-6 has seen me through many hard times.  It was my compass when I was a little girl and has continued to be my road map throughout life.  The words in the book literally flowed from my heart through my fingers.  They were words that simply shared the experience I had known of God’s faithfulness in my life.  I had a few bumps in the road where the words didn’t quite flow, so I would stop.  I put the pen down until the fluidity of the message came back.

Describe what that time was like from the point of finishing the book and then looking for a publisher.

Sarah:  I had finished writing my book in about 6 months, but I still had a ways to go in the publishing end of it.  I looked at many different places.  All the publishers that are well known did not want to accept an unknown author.  That was understandable because you never know what book sales are going to be like for a new author, but I wasn’t accepting no for an answer.  I had looked at some of the self-publishing options, but didn’t like what I saw.  I wanted something that was going to invest in my talent.  I waited a few months and prayed for God to show me who to go through.

How did you come to choose the publisher you are with, Tate Publishing?

Sarah:  I was at church one Sunday and someone mentioned to me that there was this great top of the line self-publishing company called Tate Publishing.  The big thing was that they only accept less than 3% of the manuscripts they get a year.  I was excited about that because I knew if God wanted me to publish with them, it would all go through.  The manuscript was read by their board and I received a phone call letting me know it had been accepted.  I had to go through the same process for my second book.  They have been a wonderful company to work with because they partner with me every step of the way.  They have my best interest in mind.

Your first book, Life’s Compass for Eternal Treasure, came out and what did you do to help promote your book?
Sarah:  The sales did very well and are continuing to do well.  I have a marketing representative from Tate Publishing who works with me to market the book in various avenues.  I did many book signings in book stores, coffee shops, retirement homes, malls, Bible studies, etc.  I was able to speak at a few women’s conferences and at a couple church services.  I have been able to speak to youth at different events.  I have a website and a blog to promote the book.  Also, I do a daily devotional online.  A lot of promoting comes through word of mouth.   The best marketing tool is yourself and others who have read your book.

Since then you have written a second book, His Hope for Your Destiny (which came out in March of this year), married, and started on a third book!  When do you find the time to write?

Sarah:  The best way for me to answer this is to say that if you are looking to find the time to write you will never find it.  You simply need to designate time every day to write.  It needs to be something you want to do, not have to do.  If I lived each day trying to find time to write, I don’t think I would ever get anything written.  I have to discipline myself to set aside time to write, to study, and to learn.  Writing is one of my passions, so I choose to make it a part of my day.

How do you promote your books now?

Sarah:  I continue to call book stores for book signings and am willing to have them in even unconventional places.  Coffee shops are great and I’ve since learned that a book signing at Chick-fil-A can be very profitable.  There are two things I’m strongly promoting right now.  One is the devotional I write on a daily basis because it gives people a way to find out who I am and how I write before they buy an actual book.  I know I always like to know the authors I read.  Second I have been given an opportunity to get as many books as possible into Prison Ministry Fellowship.  This excites me greatly, as I write desiring to see people draw close to the Lord.  If anyone would like to support this ministry, please email me and let me know.  Every book donated will go to the prison for the inmates.

Of your books, which is your favorite?

Sarah: Now, what kind of question is this?  It’s like asking a mom which child is her favorite.  I enjoy both my books for different reasons.  I love how the first book brings you through a journey of trusting in the Lord.  I enjoyed writing out the testimony of who God has been in my life and how He has always been faithful.  Then there is the second book.  This book I wrote during some major storms in my life based on my second favorite passage, Isaiah 40:31.  I was so encouraged by God through the writing of this book.  God continued to remind me that He had a plan and a purpose through the storms I faced.

Sarah, thank you for sharing your books with us today!  I can’t wait to see you again this fall and then we can chat about what is on the horizon for you!

Sarah has generously offered to give away two copies of each of  her books Life’s Compass For Eternal Treasure and His Hope For Your Destiny, as well as an audio version copy of His Hope For Your Destiny.

For a chance to win (1) post a relevant comment here about this interview and (2) earn a 2nd entry by blogging of tweeting about this interview and giveaway.
US entries only please and no po box numbers.  Giveaway will end August 25 EXTENDED to August 31 and winners will be posted here.

49 thoughts on “Author Interview with Sarah Beth Lindberg (+ Giveaways!)

  1. I’ve never heard of a CFA book signing but I wish we had some events like that at my local restaurants!

    1. Clarissa,

      If your local restaurants are interested in a book signing. I would be more than happy to come for one. Please let me know. I’m always looking for a new place to sign books or come speak at. I hope you find a great book signing near you!

      In God’s Grip of Grace,

    1. Betty,

      Thank you so much for your comment! I give all the glory to God. My passion continues to grow, as I continue to learn more about God. He truly is a wonderful God. There are no words to justly describe Him. I’m very grateful for the gift God has given me and the gifts He’s given others. I know that with the Body of Christ serving together, we serve great purpose through our gifts.

      In His Grip of Grace,

    1. Thank you for the sweet compliment. May God continue to bring you great joy in all that you do!

      In His Grip of Grace,

  2. Darah is a great prayer warrior and she listens to God. She has the gift of writing and she will help to spread the news across the world. TWBD,,,,,Amen

  3. Chik-fil-A sounds like an odd place for a book signing, but if they’re as crowded as the one by my house, that’s great exposure! I added the giveaway to my sidebar.

    1. Sweet, Sweet Barb ~

      Thank you for your precious words. They are everything I pray for. I pray with all my heart that the words in these books will be used to advance God’s Kingdom. Right now I pray strongly that many books will be provided for the Prison Ministry. Please partner with me in prayer for that. Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers!

      In His Grip of Grace,

    2. There was a great crowd and I plan on doing it again this Fall. It was a lot of fun. The cow even came out to join us. In fact, it was more personal in some ways at Chik-fil-A. I was able to sit and talk with people and hear their stories. I prayed with them and have kept in contact with some. It was a true blessing. I’ve been looking into Chik-fil-A’s to do book signings at. Thank you Anna for stopping by.

      In His Grip of Grace,

    1. I’m glad you liked the answer about finding time to write. It’s a very honest answer. I’m sure you know what it’s like to find time with being a mom. Thank you for checking out the devotional site. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

      In His Grip of Grace,

    1. I’m excited to hear that you would like to read either book. If you go on my website there are quotes from people who have read both and you will be able to hear from them what they thought. Maybe this will help you decide which one to read. Please let me know what your thoughts are on the books. I would enjoy hearing them. Have fun reading and be blessed!

      In His Grip of Grace,

  4. Thank you for the comment on the cover! My dad was able to draw the eagle and the design team added computer graphics. On the inside of the book there are many drawings that my dad did.. I love including his artwork in my books.
    I pray you have continued joy, peace, and love in the Lord.

    In His Grip of Grace,

    1. Mrs. Wonder Woman,

      Thank you for the comment! I sure do miss your smile and your laughter. I’m sure you continue to bring joy to many people. I look forward to seeing you the next time I’m in town. Love you girl!


  5. Great interview. I like that she never gave up, even when getting published seemed next to impossible. It is so true that you have to designate a time to write.

    1. Nicole,

      Thank you for the comment. It does pay off to never give up! God always has a plan. And writing does take time, it’s something you have to put the effort towards. Just like anything else. I hope all is well with you!

      In His Grip of Grace,

    1. Jane,

      Thank you for the link on your blog. I’m so grateful the word is getting out there about these books. Have a great day!


    1. Sharon,

      Thank you for such a great comment. I hope you are able to read one or both of the books. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on them. Have a blessed day!


    1. Julie,

      It sounds like you and I have something in common. I have leaned pretty heavily on the passage in Psalm 37. I know that’s why God had me start my writing with that passage. It outlines some simple truths that when we follow them can make life so beautiful in the Lord. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the books. May the Lord continue to bless you in your journey!


  6. I love reading interviews with authors. I just love getting their insight and having an idea of where they’re coming from when they write their books.

    1. Emily,

      I’m so glad I could provide a little insight. Please feel free to ask any questions if you feel I have left anything out. I’m a pretty transparent person. You will find that in my books too.

      Have a blessed day!

  7. A lot of time and effort went into writing and publishing and promoting books. It’s nice to learn this arduous process through this in-depth and interesting interview. I just wonder in addition to constant reading and writing, what else did the author do before becoming a writer? Anything that could enrich your spirit and experiences?

  8. Linna,

    Thank you for the comment. I’m sorry for the late reply, but it’s been a little while since I’ve checked the responses.

    I have done many things before, during, and after becoming a writer. It’s important to me to stay involved because my writing comes from my personal testimony and the stories God gives me from daily walking with Him. I have been a youth mentor in the past, worked with youth groups, been a small group leader, been in worship teams, been in the drama team, been on the prayer team, worked in a group home, worked with troubled youth, worked with pregnant teens, worked at a a church plant, and so many other things. The list could go on and on. I continue to volunteer my time in many ways. I enjoy staying connected with people. I hope this answers your question. Please let me know if I left something out!

    In His Grip of Grace,

  9. I find it refreshing to see people giving God credit for the good works they are able to do.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

    1. Nancye,

      Thank you for your sweet comment. It is certainly God who does the great things in our lives. May God continue to bless your life and guide your steps!


  10. What a wonderful interview. I like how Sarah really prayed about her desire to write. I just subscribed to Sarah’s devotional. I love a good devotional. Thank you for interviewing your friend.


    1. Kelly,

      Thank you for the nice comment. I’m so glad you have subscribed to the devotional. I hope you enjoy it. Please drop me a line some time! I would enjoy hearing from you!


    1. Jennifer,

      Thank you for the nice comment! I desire to glorify God in all that I do. It’s a true blessing to glorify Him through writing. It’s only through His strength that I hung in there. The same is true while working on my third book. God is good! All the time!


  11. I am so impressed that you knew God had a plan for you during your time of crisis and the development of your book. The strength of this belief is what keeps me going during my own personal challenges especially as the barriers arise and put roadblocks in my way. God is by standard bearer and I just keep moving forward toward the light.

    Either book would be fine with me. Each presents a message that would bolster my faith and courage.

    1. Barbara,

      Thank you so much for your comment! It is often challenging to keep going when crisis hits. This is when we have to depend on God to be our strength. The storms hit hard, but we can’t take our eyes off of God. He is still on the throne. He will never take a break from our lives. I don’t know what you are going through, but I know God is still in control. He has not stepped away from the throne or given your life to someone else to handle. He loves you and He has a plan to work EVERYTHING together for good in your life (Romans 8:28)!


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