Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie O Martian (+ giveaway)

praying wife

Winner Announced!


Congratulations!!!!  🙂

I recently entered a really cool 30 day challenge with about 1,800 women around the world and part of that challenge was to read a chapter a day out of this book.  (See more about the challenge details at my blog Straight On Through.)

What really amazed me is that although I have read this book before, breaking it down a chapter a day made a ton of difference.  I would read my chapter in the morning while I prepped for my day and do the prayer for my husband that followed each chapter.  By going through this book this way, it really gave me time to let that days chapter sink in and as I thought about the chapter throughout my day I would again bring it before God in prayer.

Stormie O Martian is an incredible author who has written many books on prayer that I would highly recommend.  I have also gone through her book Power of a Praying Parent which is also a great read for women with children of any age.

Power of a Praying Wife is a book that you can go through again and again and get something different and profound out of it every time.  This book is filled with situations that women have gone through and have had remarkable results with the power of Prayer.

I have a new copy of this book that I would like to offer for giveaway.  You have until July 27th to sign up for this one.  As always, please addresses within the US only.

To sign up:

For one entry – leave a comment here (be sure I have a way to email you if you are the winner)

For an additional entry – post about this review with giveaway and leave a message here with the link to that post

That’s it.

17 thoughts on “Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie O Martian (+ giveaway)

  1. I love my husband very much and I feel that by praying for him, not only will it help him, but it would be good for both of us.

  2. No need to enter me as I already own it, and have read it once. It’s interesting to know that you found more in it when you broke it down with your group chapter by chapter.

    1. I think that just taking the time in a read like this – to let it sink in made the difference. It is a real easy book just to sit down and read in an hour or two but taking it slow really helped each chapter sink in. I would recommend it. Thanks for the comment. 🙂

  3. I thought I enter all giveaways but missed this one~! You have so many!



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