The perfect Son by Freida mcfadden

Liam has always seemed a little different than other kids his age. Erica loved her son – and loves her family – daughter Hannah, and her wonderful husband – but she does keep her guard up when it comes to Liam. He’s quiet. He’s sensitive… and there was the incident with the girl in grade school…. but all kids play right?

Now years later – a knock on the door throws Erica for another loop. A high school girl has disappeared and according to the detectives, Liam was the last person to see her. While Liam denies knowing anything about what has happened, and Erica wants to believe… evidence is showing otherwise.

I have come to learn in McFadden’s writing that you don’t know what you think you know. For the second time this year, while listening to one of her books I felt she was making it too obvious… too many clues….
But I knew NOTHING.
Fooled again – McFadden is creative in using subtle techniques that make you feel so smart (you’re not… ) only to find out later the breadcrumbs were false.
While I enjoyed this creepy book – it is not a favorite of hers. It left me a little unsettled – wrapped up a little too neatly and in the end… whoa. It would make a good movie.

McFadden readers/listeners I would love to know your thoughts.

3 thoughts on “The perfect Son by Freida mcfadden

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