Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

Adored. ~Sheila

Elizabeth Zott is anything but ordinary. She is matter of fact. She is brilliant, she is a scientist- and she is ahead of her time.

Set in the early 1960’s, Elizabeth Zott finds herself struggling for every inch as a woman in a field that is best described as a mans. Never taken seriously for her ambitions (although often sought out for her opinion if she did not get credit), Calvin Evans enters her life as a breath of fresh air.
Calvin sees her.

REALLY sees her.

As life as it is in science – outcomes can be unpredictable until you find the right formula and Elizabeth’s life takes a turn she that no one seen coming. Certainly, becoming a star of an on air cooking show, owning a dog that is smarter than the average man, and becoming a single mom … was not part of that equation…

yet, like science… we continue to evolve and learn to work with what we are given.

So…. funny story. I bought the book after hearing great things about it. There it sat (as often my books do…) on a shelf, waiting for its time. A not so favorable review by a friend made me think the book was not for me and my interest in this unopened book waivered.
Upon stumbling across the mini series on TV one evening, I thought I would give it a try and found it interesting and delightfully different. This still was not enough to get me to open the book….

Then – it was picked as a book club selection with my book club the Bookies. Reluctantly I thought audio may be the better way to go, and honestly this time of year I have more time for audio than I do to sit and read…

Turns out – I adored it. I can not explain if my enjoyment of the mini series helped prep me for this listen (probably) but I did enjoy the quick wit – sometimes dry humor that follows throughout this book that is blended with a true taste of the times. In Lessons On Chemistry, you get a little women’s rights, an example of what life was like for women in a men’s field – and a refreshing look at a character like Elizabeth that broke the mold … said “Why the hell not” and paved a path (fictional or not) for women to reach beyond the invisible limitations set before them.

So many books can be a cookie cutter format of other books. You know the type – you read it and if reminds you of another book with similar bones…. not necessarily bad… but definitely done before. A Lesson In Chemistry felt different to me. Refreshingly so.

Bookies Thoughts: A lot of mixed opinions in our Book Club. Most struggled with it and found it a slow start receiving lower ratings. Only a couple had the same opinions as I did. Most likely the mini series prepped me and helped me with my enjoyment. I would love to hear other opinions on this one. Love it? Hate it? Somewhere inbetween?

4 thoughts on “Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus

  1. I enjoyed it once I saw it as a fairy tale; some people didn’t like the unrealistic elements. I was a bit shocked by the two rather violent episodes but I did very much enjoy it. I read it from NetGalley before all the fuss hit, which made for a different kind of context as I read it.

  2. Oh I thought this was a really fun read and in amongst the good story and characters there were good historical and cultural references. I am with you on this one!

Hmmmm... what do you think?