The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

In a word…. inputdownable. ~Sheila

27 year old Nellie could not be more ecstatic as she is in the weeks before her marriage to the man of her dreams. He is wealthy, sophisticated, a little older and over the moon for her. He is everything she has ever wanted. Her star is on the rise!

Vanessa is in the final throws of her marriage. After years of pouring everything into her marriage and supporting the man she loved, somehow he is walking away with everything they have built together – the home, the cars, the comfort of having money… Staying at a relatives home and working in a department store that she used to frequently shop, Vanessa desperately looks for a way for her life to stop unraveling.

And then there is Richard. Richard in his fancy suits and preparing to marry his new, much younger and fun wife – all while making sure he leaves his first wife with next to nothing. It’s good to be Richard.

I read this book in 2019. I was on vacation in Alabama with my husband and friends in a cool VRBO and I absolutely loved this book picking it up every space chance I got. It is, what makes a great story and gets the blood going as you watch the young naive arm candy stepping into a role she is not prepared for…. and the wife who helped to build Richard’s empire, cast to the side…

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was recently surprised to see I had not reviewed it. I was also surprised to see I rated it a 4, which is a great rating – but there must have been something that did not quite sit right with me that I can not recall.

HIGHLY recommend you give it a go!

Hmmmm... what do you think?